고품격 커뮤니티  ‘스브스프리미엄’

[反共防諜] 유럽 북한은행은 스파이 본부

북한, 은행을 정보기관(情報機關)의 거점(據點)으로 이용

오스트리아(Austria) 내무성(內務省)이 보고(報告)

7월23일자 영국 신문 데일리텔레그래프(The Daily Telegraph)는, 빈(Vienna)에 있는 북한 은행(銀行) 골든스타뱅크(The Golden Star Bank)가 북한 정보기관(情報機關)의 거점(據點)으로서 이용되고 있다는 것이 오스트리아(Austria) 내무성(內務省)의 보고(報告)로 밝혀졌다고 보도(報道)했다.

머니론더링(money laundering)[자금세탁(資金洗濯)]에 관여(關與)나 평양(平壤)의 군사계획(軍事計劃)에 자금공급(資金供給)을 시도(試圖)하고 있는 혐의(嫌疑)도 있다.

다만, 오스트리아 정부(政府)는 동(同) 은행을 폐쇄(閉鎖)할 의향(意向)은 없다고 한다. 


Austria accuses North Korean bank of being spy HQ

By Michael Leidig in Vienna

July 23, 2003

North Korea's only bank in Europe, the Golden Star Bank in

Vienna, is being used as a base for North Korean secret

services, according to a report by the Austrian authorities.

However, the Austrian government says the bank will not be

closed, even though it is also suspected of being involved

in money laundering and attempts to finance Pyongyang's

military programme.

Rudolf Gollia, a spokesman for the Austrian interior

ministry, confirmed that the bank was under scrutiny.

However, an Austrian interior ministry report, a copy of

which has been obtained by The Telegraph, warns that the

Golden Star Bank is still being allowed to trade - even

though it is clearly a base for North Korean secret service


The report says: "There are detectable efforts by the North

Korean secret services to place its agents in diplomatic and

non-diplomatic positions in Austria. The camouflage for

these activities is Europe's only established branch of the

North Korean state bank, which is located in Vienna, as well

as martial arts clubs established around the country."

It added that the North Koreans are "finding it increasingly

difficult to raise the finances to fund the further

development of weapons of mass destruction, as well as for

the modernisation of middle-range missiles, and are looking

increasingly to the West for the needed know-how and

technical components, which means it is vital for Austria to

make sure it keeps a close eye on North Korean


The report did not define "detectable efforts", but added

that the regime in North Korea was "financing itself by

selling weapons and military technology to countries in

crisis, as well as Third World countries in the Middle and

Far East such as Syria, Iran and Libya." Despite its

suspicions that the bank is involved in money laundering,

sources said the government had not yet secured enough

evidence to shut the operation down.

A spokesman at the bank, which opened in Vienna in 1982,

refused to comment on the report linking it with the secret


It also refused to comment on how many staff are employed at

its five-storey building covering 800 sq metres at the

corner of Kaiserstrasse and Apollogasse in the seventh

district of Vienna.

Austria tightened its banking laws after it was named by the

US as one of the money-laundering capitals of the world

because of its secretive bank accounts, and it only recently

froze anonymous bank accounts after immense international

pressure - in particular from the EU, which made the phasing

out of such accounts a condition of membership.

More recently, in the wake of the World Trade Centre

attacks, Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel said

authorities would also be empowered to freeze the assets of

suspected terrorist organisations. The Austrian media has

reported that the cash-starved North Korean regime is

believed to earn over a billion dollars a year in hard

currency by selling opium and rocket weapons technology


According to the Asian Wall Street Journal, the regime in

Pyongyang carries out legal deals using the Daesong Group.

However, its illegal trade, including selling of minerals

and ginseng, in which the country has a virtual monopoly, is

carried out using a secret banking network based in Beijing,

Macao and Seoul and linked with the bank in Vienna.

A spokesman at the Austrian finance ministry confirmed that

the bank had a concession to operate in Austria including

investing for its North Korean customers in European banks.

The United Nations nuclear watchdog - also based in Vienna -

has warned that North Korea's nuclear weapons programme now

poses the most serious nuclear threat to the world.

