고품격 커뮤니티  ‘스브스프리미엄’

[反共防諜] 항모 칼빈슨 9일부터폭격훈련

美 항공모함 칼빈슨(USS Carl Vinson)[CVN 70]

美 항공모함(航空母艦) 칼빈슨(USS Carl Vinson)[CVN 70] 전단(戰團)이, 7월9일 오스트레일리아(Australia) 서부(西部)의 프레맨틀(Fremantle)에 도착해, 6일간 머무르는 동안, 항공모함 칼빈슨 전단 소속 항공기(航空機)들이 랜스린(Lancelin) 군사훈련장(軍事訓鍊場)에서 폭격훈련(爆擊訓練)과 공대지(空對地) 지원훈련(支援訓練)을 한다고 오스트레일리아 선데이타임즈(The Sunday Times)가 7월6일자로 보도했다.


7000 US sailors due

July 6, 2003

FOUR US Navy warships with more than 7000 sailors will

arrive in Fremantle on Wednesday.

Led by the 91,000-ton aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, on

its sixth trip to Fremantle, the convoy will spend six days

in Perth.

The Carl Vinson will anchor in Gage Roads with the combat

support ship Sacramento. The guided missile frigate Ingraham

and the Ticonderoga-class cruiser USS Antietam, here on its

first visit, will berth in Fremantle.

US Navy aircraft from the Carl Vinson will conduct flight

training from July 6-8 and July 15-16.

This will include practice bombing and air-to-ground support

practices in approved air space at the Lancelin Defence

Training Area.

