고품격 커뮤니티  ‘스브스프리미엄’

[자유대한] 부시 대통령 각하 생신축하!


부시 대통령 각하, 7월6일 맞은 57회 생신(生辰)을 축하(祝賀)드립니다.

자유대한민국(自由大韓民國)에 어울리지 않는 친북좌익(親北左翼) 세력들의 준동(蠢動)에 의해 反美가 자유대한민국의 대세(大勢)인 것처럼 보일지 모르지만, 韓美 관계를 파탄(破綻)내어 김정일(金正日)을 돕고자 하는 그들의 속임수에 절대 속지 마십시오.

CIA 서울지부장이 KBS 사장 및 일부 편향(偏向)된 시각(視覺)을 가진 인사(人士)들의 동태(動態)를 파악(把握)해서 이미 보고(報告)했을 것이지만, 우리 자유대한민국의 다수(多數) 국민들은 일부 불미(不美)스러운 사건(事件)을 부풀려 선동(煽動)하는 친북좌익(親北左翼) 세력들을 거부(拒否)하며, 미국의 도움에 감사하는 마음을 잊지 않고 있습니다.

무엇보다, 7월5일 라디오 연설에서 말씀하신 바와 같이, 이라크에서 사담 후세인(Saddam Hussein)의 동상(銅像)이 무너지고 이라크 사람들이 자유(自由)를 얻은 것처럼, 한반도(韓半島)에서도 독재자(獨裁者) 김정일(金正日)을 몰아내고 북한 주민들도 자유를 얻을 수 있기를 우리들은 바라고 있습니다.

부시 대통령 각하, 그 일을 위한 첫 단계로, 7월12일 진수식(進水式)을 갖는 美 해군의 핵추진(核推進) 항공모함(航空母艦) 로널드 레이건(USS Ronald Reagan)[CVN 76]의 첫 작전지역(作戰地域)을 한반도로 한다는 명령을 내려주셔서, 그 소식을 들은 김정일이 심장마비(心臟痲痺)로 쓰러져 이 땅에서 아침 안개와 같이 흔적도 없이 사라지게 해주십시오.

부시 대통령 각하의 2004년 대통령선거 승리(勝利)를 기원(祈願)합니다.




Bush Spends 57th Birthday in Washington

July 6, 2003

WASHINGTON - President Bush turned 57 on Sunday and attended

church in Washington with his wife, Laura, and family


When wished a happy birthday by reporters, Bush said, "Thank

you. I was hoping someone in the crowd recognized it."

Bush was spending a rare weekend in Washington. On Friday,

the first lady threw a birthday party for the president.

Guests watched Washington's July Fourth fireworks display

from the Truman Balcony.

Bush is to leave on Monday on a five-day trip to Africa.


President Bush Marks His 57th Birthday

July 6, 2003

WASHINGTON - President Bush marked his 57th birthday Sunday

with a visit to church, drawing birthday greetings along the


Bush attended services at St. John's Church across Lafayette

Square from the White House.

He seemed in good spirits, chuckling at jokes that the Rev.

Spencer M. Rice sprinkled into his sermon.

A lay minister said a prayer for Bush, along with other

government officials. But Bush was not mentioned in the list

of birthdays the congregation was celebrating.

As Bush left the church, reporters shouted "Happy birthday!"

to him.

"Thank you," Bush said, smiling. "I was hoping someone in

the crowd would recognize it."

The president leaves Monday on a five-day trip to Africa.


Office of the Press Secretary

July 5, 2003

President's Radio Address

The Cabinet Room


Good morning. Every Fourth of July we take special pride in

the first generation of Americans, the men and women who

waged a desperate fight to overcome tyranny and live in

freedom. Centuries later, it is hard to imagine the

Revolutionary War coming out any other way. Yet victory was

far from certain, and came at great cost.

Six years passed from the fighting at Concord Bridge to the

victory at Yorktown, six years of struggle and hardship for

American patriots. By their courage and perseverance, the

colonies became a country. That land of 13 states and fewer

than four million people grew and prospered. And today, all

who live in tyranny, and all who yearn for freedom, place

their hopes in the United States of America.

For more than two centuries, Americans have been called to

serve and sacrifice for the ideals of our founding. And the

men and women of our military have never failed us. They

have left many monuments along the way, an undivided union,

a liberated Europe, the rise of democracy in Asia, and the

fall of an evil empire. Millions across the world are free

today because of the unselfish courage of America's


The current generation of our military is meeting the

threats of a new era, and fighting new battles in the war on

terror. People in every branch of the service, and thousands

of Guard and Reserve members called to active duty, have

carried out their missions with all the skill and honor we

expect of them. This nation is grateful to our men and women

in uniform.

On this Fourth of July weekend, we also remember the brave

Americans we've lost in Afghanistan and Iraq. We honor each

one for their courage and sacrifice. We think of the

families who miss them so much. And we are thankful that

this nation produces such fine men and women who are willing

to defend us all.

At this hour, many are still serving, sacrificing, and

facing danger in distant places. Many military families are

still separated. Our people in uniform do not have easy

duty, and much depends on their success. Without America's

active involvement in the world, the ambitions of tyrants

would go unopposed, and millions would live at the mercy of

terrorists. With America's active involvement in the world,

tyrants have learned to fear, and terrorists are on the run.

This nation is acting to defend our security, yet our

mission in the world is broader. The Declaration of

Independence holds a promise for all mankind. Because

Americans believe that freedom is an unalienable right, we

value the freedom of every nation. Because we are committed

to the God-given worth of every life, we work for human

dignity in every land. We protect our friends and raise up

former enemies to be our friends.

We bring food and disaster relief to the nations of the

world in times of crisis. And in Africa, where I will go

next week, the United States of America is leading the

effort to fight AIDS, and save millions of lives with the

healing power of medicine. Just as our enemies are going to

know the strong will of America, people across this Earth

are seeing the good and generous heart of America.

As citizens of this good nation, we can be proud of our

heritage and confident in our future. The ideals of July

4th, 1776, still speak to all humanity, and the revolution

declared that day goes on. As we celebrate our independence

in 2003, we still place our trust in Divine Providence. We

still pledge our lives and honor to freedom's defense. And

we will always believe that freedom is the hope and the

future of every land.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.

Thank you for listening.
