고품격 커뮤니티  ‘스브스프리미엄’

[CNN] 천민당-김대중 때문에 한국 개망신!

2003년 6월25일, 천민당(새/천/년/민/주/당)을 비롯한

김대중(金大中) 일파(一派)의 국가반역적(國家反逆的)

친북행위(親北行爲)가 백일하(白日下)에 드러남으로써

대한민국은 국제사회에서 공식적(公式的)으로 개망신했다!

그동안 뻔뻔한 면상(面上)을 TV 화면에 들이대며

개정일에게 돈을 보내지 않았다며

「백일장을 열었다」,「소설을 쓰고 있다」등 온갖 헛소리로

한나라당을 욕하며 국민들을 등신 취급했던 천민당은

이제는 4억5천만 달러가 「통일비용」이라고 주장하며

아직도 대국민사기극(對國民詐欺劇)을 그만 두지 않는구나!

이 뻔뻔한 천민당아, 그 통일 앞에

혹시 붉디붉은 두 글자를 빼 놓은 것이 아니냐!

한나라당이여, 이 국가반역 사건을 이대로 덮을 수는 없다!

노무현(盧武鉉)이 새로운 특검법(特檢法)을 거부(拒否)할 때는

자유대한의 애국시민들과 함께

노무현 탄핵(彈劾)운동에 들어가자!

김대중은 민족반역자 개정일과 1억 달러짜리 악수를 하고

영원히 숨길 수 있을 줄 알았으나 미국에게 들키고 말았다!

두려움에 떨던 김대중 일파, 대선이 끝날 때까지

「북한에 1달러도 준적이 없다」고 새빨간 거짓말을 하고,

그와 동시에 다시 한번 사기극을 연출해 李會昌 각하를 흠집내고

참으로 신기한 전자개표기를 동원한 「전자개표」를 이용

김대중의 적자(嫡子) 노무현이를 방패막이로 만들었다.

하지만, 자유대한의 애국시민들의 노력으로

2003년 6월27일 오후 2시 대법원 2호법정에서는

제16대 대통령선거무효소송 제4차 심리(審理)가 예정되어 있다.

김대중, 이 자를 자유대한민국에 편안히 살 게 할 수는 없다.

이 자를 단죄(斷罪)하지 못한다면

대한민국은 개정일의 통치권(統治權)에 편입(編入)되기를

주저(躊躇)하지 않는다는 것을

국제사회에 보여주는 것임을 명심하자!


S. Korea `paid off` North

Wednesday, June 25, 2003 Posted: 0636 GMT (2:36 PM HKT)


[개정일과 김대중 악수하는 사진]

A $100 million handshake? The Korean leaders at the 2000


SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Former South Korean President Kim

Dae-jung`s government secretly paid communist North Korea

US$100 million to get Pyongyang to agree to a historic

summit in 2000 that helped Kim win the Nobel Peace Prize, an

investigator has said.

Independent counsel Song Doo-hwan did not characterize the

cash transfer as a payoff for the inter-Korean summit, but

said the government "aid" for communist North Korea was

related to the meeting and had been sent secretly through

improper channels.

Kim has admitted approving money transfers to North Korea

despite "legal problems," but has said they were for the

sake of peace and that his government`s decision should not

be subject to review.

Song had agreed not to consider whether the president

himself was culpable. However, three of Kim`s former aides

have been arrested in the scandal.

Announcing the findings of a 70-day probe, Song said on

Wednesday South Korea`s Hyundai conglomerate sent US$500

million to North Korea, but he called $400 million of that

an investment by the company. The rest was sent by the

government, via Hyundai, he said.

All of the money was sent to Pyongyang through Hyundai

subsidiaries shortly before the June 2000 summit, Kim`s

crowning achievement that helped him win the peace prize,

Song said.

"We viewed the money Hyundai sent to North Korea as advance

business investment," Song told a nationally televised news


"The US$100 million the government sent to the North through

Hyundai is characterized as a politically motivated

government aid for the North."

Song accused Kim`s government of "active involvement in the

transfers of the money, keeping them secret from the people

and failing to go through a justifiable procedure for

sending the money."

"Thus we concluded that it cannot be denied that the money

transfers were related to the summit," Song said.

The former president, who left office in February after a

five-year tenure, had earlier admitted that his government

approved Hyundai`s money transfers to North Korea --

despite "legal problems" - because they "facilitated peace

on the Korean Peninsula."

But Kim said his government`s decision should not be subject

to judicial reviews, and Song agreed not to question the

former president.

Song said Wednesday he has been careful to ensure that his

investigation would not interrupt South Korea`s efforts to

seek reconciliation with the North after decades of Cold War

animosity following the 1950-53 Korean War.

The investigation began when opposition leaders accused

Kim`s administration of paying bribes to the North to agree

to the summit.

Hyundai says it gave the money to the North to secure

business rights there covering tourism, railways and an

industrial park.

Song had earlier arrested three of Kim`s former aides on

charges of persuading state-run Korea Development Bank to

extend loans to the cash-strapped Hyundai, which then sent

the money to the North.

One of them, Kim`s former Chief of Staff Park Ji-won, was

also accused of taking US$12.5 million in bribes from


By law, a special counsel is appointed by the president

after the National Assembly passes a law calling for an

independent investigation into a politically sensitive case.

Relations on the Korean Peninsula improved vastly

immediately after the summit. But they deteriorated in Kim`s

final year, especially after the United States said last

October that North Korea admitted running a secret nuclear

weapons program. The peninsula was divided in 1945.
