■ 미군(美軍), 한국(韓國)에 PAC-3 배치완료(配置完了)
美 육군(陸軍)은 9월16일, 총액(總額) 110억 달러에 달하는 주한미군증강계획(駐韓美軍增强計劃)의 일환(一環)으로서 한국에 신형미사일요격시스템(新型MISSILE邀擊SYSTEM) 「PAC-3(Patriot Advanced Capability-3)」을 배치(配置)했다는 것을 밝혔다.
제8 육군사단(陸軍師團)의 성명(聲明)에 의하면, 동(同) 시스템(system)은 탄도(彈道) 미사일(missile)이나 순항(巡航) 미사일[Cruise Missile], 항공기(航空機)를 요격(邀擊)할 수 있는 성능(性能) 등이 새롭게 추가(追加)된 패트리어트 시스템의 진화형(進化型)이다.
미군(美軍)의 홍보담당(弘報擔當)에 의하면, 배치는 7월에 행해졌지만, 부대(部隊)의 훈련(訓練)이 끝날 때까지 발표(發表)를 미루고 있었다.
U.S. Upgrades Anti-Missile System in South Korea
Tue September 16, 2003 07:11 AM ET
SEOUL (Reuters) - The United States, at loggerheads with
North Korea over its nuclear weapons aims, has deployed an
anti-missile system in the South that can hit ballistic
missiles, cruise missiles and aircraft, the U.S. army said
It said the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) system was
part of an $11 billion plan to enhance U.S. defenses in
South Korea, where 37,000 U.S. troops are stationed to help
deter any North Korean attack.
"The upgraded Patriot system will bring enhanced defensive
capabilities to the peninsula as well as contribute to the
overall deterrence U.S. forces bring to the alliance (with
South Korea)," the 8th U.S. Army said in a statement.
"Part of the upgrade and new enhanced capabilities include
the hit-to-kill technology to destroy incoming ballistic
missiles, cruise missiles and aircraft," it said.
An army public affairs official said the system had been
deployed in July but had not been publicized until now
because troops were being trained to operate the mobile air
defense system. They are now trained.
The PAC-3 fits 16 missiles into a launcher, compared with
four on earlier versions. Each missile destroys its target
through force of impact but also includes a conventional
warhead that blasts fragments to destroy aircraft and cruise
The United States and four other regional powers - China,
Japan, Russia and South Korea - are seeking in six-way talks
to persuade North Korea to ditch its nuclear weapons program.
Washington is also concerned about the North's ballistic
missile program. North Korea already has missiles that can
reach Japan and beyond and defense experts say it is
developing at least one new type that could reach the United
North Korea is certain to take a dim view of the deployment.
"They have conducted ceaseless large-scale military
exercises in the sky, land and sea of South Korea and
massively introduced sophisticated lethal weapons there this
year," the communist party newspaper Rodong Sinmun said
Tuesday, according to the North's state-run KCNA news agency.
"This clearly proves that the U.S. imperialists are the
chief criminals wrecking the peace and security on the
Korean peninsula," the newspaper said. It did not refer
specifically to the Patriot system.