고품격 커뮤니티  ‘스브스프리미엄’

[REUTERS] 北공작원색희들 대구에서 테러

■ 북조선(北朝鮮) 기자단(記者團)과 한국의 시위대(示威隊), 대구(大邱)에서 충돌(衝突)

유니버시아드(Univeriade) 개최지(開催地)인 대구(大邱)에서 8월24일, 북조선(北朝鮮) 기자단(記者團)이, 북조선에 대한 항의시위(抗議示威)를 실시(實施)한 한국측의 단체(團體)와 충돌(出動)해, 기동대(機動隊)가 출동(出動)하는 소란(騷亂)이 있었다.

시위대의 멤버(member) 수십 명이, 북조선 인권침해행위(人權侵害行爲)를 비판(批判)하고 있었는데, 대회(大會) 미디어센터(media center)로부터 적어도 4명의 북조선 기자(記者)가 현장(現場)에 달려들어 시민단체(市民團體)에 대항(對抗)했다.

즉시(卽時), 기동대 100명 정도가 출동했지만, 사태수습(事態收拾)까지 10분 이상(以上)을 필요(必要)로 했다.

항의활동(抗議活動)의 주최자(主催者)로서, 북조선에서 지원활동경험(支援活動經驗)을 가진 독일인(獨逸人) 의사(醫師) 노르베르트 폴러첸(Norbert Vollertsen)씨가 부상(負傷)해, 경찰(警察)이 들것(stretcher)으로 옮겼다.


North, South Koreans Trade Punches at Games

Sun August 24, 2003 07:00 AM ET

By Alastair Himmer

TAEGU, South Korea (Reuters) - North Korean journalists

scuffled with South Korean demonstrators holding an anti-

North protest at the world university games on Sunday before

riot police broke up the fight.

Trouble flared when at least four North Korean reporters

rushed from the Taegu media center to confront a dozen

activists protesting against human rights abuses in the


Over 100 riot police moved in quickly but it still took more

than 10 minutes to restore order.

Protest organizer Norbert Vollertsen, a German doctor who

spent over a year in North Korea as an aid worker, was hurt

in the melee and was carried away by police on a stretcher.

The incident comes just days before a crucial meeting in

Beijing, when diplomats from North and South Korea, the

United States, China, Russia and Japan will discuss North

Korea's nuclear weapons program.

Inter-Korean relations have been strained since last year

when U.S. officials said North Korea had told them it was

developing nuclear weapons.

The South Korean demonstrators held a large banner

reading "Down with (North Korean leader) Kim Jong-il. Rescue

our Northern brethren," along with photographs of emaciated

North Korean children.

As one North Korean journalist passed the gathering to enter

the press center, he shouted: "Take that away immediately."

Minutes later, he re-emerged with colleagues from the state-

run North Korean media and fighting quickly broke out as one

South Korean activist wrapped in a protest banner was

punched to the ground.

South Korean activists called "You communists, come here!"

as security officials bundled the North Korean delegates

into the foyer of the media center and barricaded the doors.


North Korea had initially threatened to boycott the

university games in Taegu in protest against demonstrations

in Seoul in which activists burned the North Korean flag and

a poster of Kim Jong-il.

But Pyongyang reversed its threat after accepting an apology

from South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun.

North and South finally marched together behind a borderless

Korean flag at the opening ceremony on Thursday.

Following the fracas, however, one North Korean journalist

called the protest a "blatant act of provocation (against

North Korea)."

The North Korean delegation was scheduled to hold a news

conference to denounce the protest later on Sunday, raising

the possibility of a sudden pull-out from the games.

Vollertsen, who arrived for the protest wearing a neck brace

and with his left leg in plaster, was knocked to the ground

as fighting broke out and lay motionless for several minutes

behind a tight security cordon before being carried away.

North and South Korea remain technically at war since the

1950-53 Korean War ended in a cease-fire, not a peace treaty.

