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[SBS Star] An Internet User Posts Photos Suggesting Kim Hieora Harassed an Actress on Instagram

[SBS Star] An Internet User Posts Photos Suggesting Kim Hieora Harassed an Actress on Instagram
As the bullying allegations about actress Kim Hieora surfaced, another claim about her arose, that she had made harassing comments to a fellow actress. 

On September 6, one online user posted a post accusing Kim Hieora of harassing a fellow theater actress, Z.

The writer started by mentioning that Z frequently did Instagram Live to interact with her fans and answer their questions.

"A was doing another live Q&A that day, and someone kept asking Z about her pregnancy like this.", the writer claimed, with a screenshot of what looked to be posted questions on Z's account.

One said, "When are you going to get pregnant?", and the other said, "Do you plan to get pregnant in 2024?"
Kim Hieora
According to the writer, Z made no response to those comments during the live.

It was also noted that Z was not discussing pregnancy or anything of that sort.

Fans of Z who were tuning in that live broadcast thought the 'pregnancy comments' came from the internet troll who had asked Z disrespectful questions in the past live Q&A, and they filed reports, the writer said, and added that that was when Z's fans found out the surprising identities of the two individuals responsible for the 'pregnancy comments'.

Viewers and the host of Instagram Live can report a comment by clicking the 'report' link next to it, selecting an option for why the comment is abusive, and then following the on-screen instructions.

After reporting a comment, users have the option of restricting or blocking the user who commented, according to Instagram guidelines. 

The writer shared two snapshots, claiming that this screen popped up after reporting one of the 'pregnancy comments'.

At the bottom of each screenshot, the usernames of the two who had written the reported comments were revealed: one was 'hereare0318', which was Kim Hieora's, and the other was 'leeajinish', another theater actress Lee A-jin's.
Kim Hieora
Kim Hieora
The writer claimed that some of Z's followers who were tuning in to that live broadcast were also following Kim Hieora and Lee A-jin.

"If one reports a comment, and one has been following the person who made that comment, Instagram shows the person's username and asks if one wants to unfollow the person.", the writer explained.

"That's how Z's fans knew it was Kim Hieora and Lee A-jin who were asking Z about her pregnancy."

The writer concluded by pointing out that the comments were harassing regardless of whether the actresses were close friends with Z.

"Repeatedly mentioning Z's pregnancy during a live broadcast, which Z did to interact with her fans, is harassing in my opinion."
Kim Hieora
Some commenters on the page demanded an explanation from Kim Hieora and Lee A-jin, writing, "How can she do that to a fellow actress?", "We need clarification for this, too."

On the other hand, some other online users pointed out that the 'proof' the writer presented was insufficient to establish the claim.

"There's a good chance this is just someone trolling, given how little evidence there is. It's hard to say it's true after reading this single post and a few photos.", "LOL, bring another proof. What if you decided to report Kim Hieora's random comments on Instagram and made up the whole thing?"

(Credit= 'hereare0318' 'leeajinish' Instagram, Online Community)

(SBS Star)
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