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[SBS Star] HAHA ♥ Byul's Son Dream Blurts Out, "Mom Regrets Marrying Dad Every Day"

[SBS Star] HAHA ♥ Byul's Son Dream Blurts Out, "Mom Regrets Marrying Dad Every Day"
The celebrity couple HAHA and Byul's first son Dream disclosed Byul's secret(?) on air.

On May 9 episode of ENA's television show 'Haha Bus', HAHA and Byul's family and actor Lee Yi Kyung were seen going on a trip together. 

On the way to their destination, Byul excitedly commented, "I heard that you're not really thinking about getting married at the moment, Yi Kyung. I wonder if your thoughts will change at all by the end of the trip with us." 

HAHA asked Lee Yi Kyung with curiosity, "A lot of people around you are married, aren't they? What do they say about marriage to you?" 

Lee Yi Kyung chuckled and answered, "They told me not to get married if I want to have fun with life. But do get married, if I want a happy life." 
Haha Bus
Then, both HAHA and Byul described how contented they are with their married life.

HAHA said, "Many ask me, 'In the event that there is a next life, will you remarry Byul?' I get asked this so often. But seriously, I will. I will marry Byul again."

He explained, "One of the biggest reasons is because of my children. If I don't marry Byul, I would never be able to have them, you know." 

Byul, too, shared that she is happy being married to HAHA by saying, "I have never regretted marrying HAHA. Not even once!" 
Haha Bus
Dream, who was quietly listening to their conversation in his seat at the back, claimed that his mother's words were not true though.  

"But it seemed like mom regrets marrying dad every day.", Dream stated as he laughed. 

Thankfully, HAHA nor Byul heard him, since they were sitting far from his seat; but Lee Yi Kyung heard him. 

Scared that HAHA and Byul would ask what Dream said, which contradicts to Byul's previous statement that she does not regret her marriage with HAHA, Lee Yi Kyung acted fast. 

Before HAHA and Byul could say anything, Lee Yi Kyung went, "Oh! Dream says he loves you, Byul." 
Haha Bus
Haha Bus
HAHA and Byul got married in 2012, and their first son Dream was born the year after.

Then, they had a second son Soul in 2017, and first daughter Song in 2019. 

(Credit= 'sweetstar0001' Instagram, ENA Haha Bus) 

(SBS Star) 
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