On November 18, G-DRAGON guested on MBC FM4U's radio show 'Kim Eana's Starry Night', hosted by lyricist Kim Eana.
During the show, a viewer asked G-DRAGON about his sub-account on Instagram, which has been garnering attention for its posts that capture his natural, daily life.
However, G-DRAGON revealed that he is not the person who runs the account.
"I've been trying to find out who this person is. It's not me. I don't know who's behind the account, but we do talk via a certain communication channel.", he shared and laughed.

"Yeah, but I still can't specify who runs the account. The person behind it seems to be constantly changing.", he replied.
G-DRAGON resumed, "It makes me sometimes wonder, 'How did this photo get here?'. I can't check the photos until they are on the account."
"What if you don't like a photo uploaded by the account? Do you tell the person something about it?", Kim Eana asked.
"I do share my thoughts on our communication platform. But I don't know who is the account's administrator.", G-DRAGON remarked.
He added, "I call the (administrator) person 'lowme'. I've sent messages asking, 'When was this photo taken?', 'Who are you?'. The person checked my messages but didn't respond. It's a mystery."

The account, which only follows G-DRAGON's official Instagram account, started to post his pictures on October 31 and now has about 540,000 followers.
There are two 'highlights' on top of the account's profile that feature curated Instagram stories it has posted.
The cover photos for these 'highlights' are that of entertainer Jung Hyung Don, who displayed fun chemistry with G-DRAGON during their moments on MBC's television show 'Infinite Challenge'.
Meanwhile, G-DRAGON released his digital single 'POWER' on October 31, returning after seven years and four months since his 2017 mini album EP 'KWON JI YONG'.

(SBS Star)