
[SBS Star] Kim Sung Kyun Tells His Sense of Pressure to Be a Better Person Around Co-Star Kim Woo Bin

[SBS Star] Kim Sung Kyun Tells His Sense of Pressure to Be a Better Person Around Co-Star Kim Woo Bin
Actor Kim Sung Kyun could not praise his 'Officer Black Belt' co-star Kim Woo Bin enough.

Recently, Kim Sung Kyun gave an interview about his latest project, Netflix's original movie 'Officer Black Belt'.

While promoting the movie, its two leads, Kim Sung Kyun and Kim Woo Bin, could not stop praising each other.

During a press event for 'Officer Black Belt', the two shared their mutual affection.

In a delightful exchange, Kim Sung Kyun expressed that his time with Kim Woo Bin is comparable to a refreshing break; Kim Woo Bin referred to Kim Sung Kyun as the human embodiment of an energy drink.
Kim Sung Kyun & Kim Woo Bin
In his recent interview, Kim Woo Bin mentioned how great Kim Sung Kyun is: "He's like an angel. He is a great person with so many admirable qualities."

Kim Sung Kyun also talked about his co-star during his interview, first noting, "Woo Bin is known as a kind guy with an amazing personality among actors."

"We first met at the parking lot of the probation office we went for the filming. He seemed to me first as tall, strong, and ideal for the part. He's so reliable that I depended on him while working together. He has a big, embracing heart.", the actor remarked.
Kim Sung Kyun & Kim Woo Bin
Previously, Kim Sung Kyun and Kim Woo Bin told a humorous back story of 'Officer Black Belt'; they spoke with one another whenever they got a chance, and even the director engaged in their conversation over the walkie-talkie.

Kim Sung Kyun remembered this episode and said, "Woo Bin and I discussed various fields, including economy, current affairs, culture, and movies. The director joined us at some point and even talked about parenting."
Kim Sung Kyun & Kim Woo Bin
"I think he sees me as a better person than I am.", Kim Sung Kyun remarked on how highly Kim Woo Bin spoke about his personality.

"I can't show my negative side now even if I want to since I don't want to disappoint him when he considers me so wonderful. Now I have this obsession that I have to look like a better adult, an angelic person in front of him.", the actor playfully said.

About how he and Kim Woo Bin have been speaking about only good things about each other, Kim Sung Kyun was asked if it could mean that they have not shown their true selves to each other.

"Maybe? Woo Bin might have the same idea that he has to be gentle and nice around me.", Kim Sung Kyun responded affectionately.
Kim Sung Kyun & Kim Woo Bin
(Credit= Netflix Korea, '____kimwoobin' Instagram, SBS Entertainment News/Baik Seung-chul)

(SBS Star)
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