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[SBS Star] Park Seo Jun Opens Up About Missing the Chance to Tell a Girl He Liked Her

[SBS Star] Park Seo Jun Opens Up About Missing the Chance to Tell a Girl He Liked Her
Actor Park Seo Jun shared his experience of not being able to express his feelings to a girl he liked. 

On September 10, Park Seo Jun joined producer Na Young-seok's YouTube live show. 

On that day, Park Seo Jun and Na Young-seok took some time to read viewers' concerns.

One viewer shared that she had been single her entire life and was currently in love with someone she only knows as a friend from university. She then provided some details about their friendship that makes her sometimes wonder, "Does he have feelings for me too?"
Park Seo Jun
After hearing her story, Park Seo Jun said, "Reading this, it reminded me of movies like 'Architecture 101' and other films about campus romance. But I also feel that the viewer might not have expressed her feelings openly. So, it's hard to know whether the person she likes has given any signals or if they're completely unaware," he analyzed.

He continued, "I think it's important to express your feelings. If you tell him, 'Actually, I like you,' it might turn into 'Oh, you like me too?' right?" 

Na Young-seok, watching him deliver these lines, remarked, "Wait, my heart just fluttered for a second there. Seo Jun, you're so romantic! You're a true actor, aren't you?" 

Park Seo Jun responded with a playful tone, "Well, I've done a lot of romantic comedies."
Park Seo Jun
After that, Park Seo Jun added, "If you don't express your feelings, many misunderstandings can arise. The fact that the person came to pick you up might just be because you had a suitcase with you. But if they came to pick you up when you asked, it suggests that things between you two might not be entirely hopeless."

He continued, "If you don't express yourself, though, they may never know how you feel. Only those who make their feelings known can find out how the other person truly feels about them, even though it doesn't guarantee that you'll win their heart. To make that person like you, you need to express yourself first."

Park Seo Jun also reflected on his own experiences, saying, "I really relate to this because there were times when I struggled to express myself as well. Looking back, I realize that my feelings were so pure. I still cherish those pure feelings deep inside my heart."

(Credit= 'channel fullmoon' YouTube, 'bn_sj2013' Instagram) 

(SBS Star) 
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