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[SBS Star] Lee Dong Wook Shares Why It Has Become So Hard for Him to Date Anyone Now

[SBS Star] Lee Dong Wook Shares Why It Has Become So Hard for Him to Date Anyone Now
Actor Lee Dong Wook explained why dating has become difficult for him.

On August 14, a new episode of entertainer Yu Jae Seok's YouTube show "Pinggyego" was released online. 

In this episode, the guest, Lee Dong Wook was seen handing a tissue to Yu Jae Seok's co-host, Ji Suk-jin, so he could wipe his mouth while eating.

Touched by Lee Dong Wook's sweet gesture, Ji Suk-jin asked if Lee Dong Wook is this considerate with his girlfriend as well. 
Lee Dong Wook
Lee Dong Wook responded, "Yeah, I do. I used to stuff like this to my ex-girlfriend all the time. But I can't even remember the last time I did that for a girl. I don't think I can even date anyone anymore now. It's too much of a hassle." 

He further stated, "I mean, I want to date someone, but I don't want to. I'm too lazy for it, if you get what I mean. In a relationship, you need to get close, and the idea of putting in all that effort to get closer makes me feel so exhausted." 

Yu Jae Seok empathized, saying, “If you haven't dated for a long time, there's definitely a fear when starting again. It's not easy to carve out time for dating and to overcome that fear." 

Ji Suk-jin mentioned, "It might also be because you haven't met someone who makes your heart race super fast and feels just right." 
Lee Dong Wook
Nodding in agreement, Lee Dong Wook said, "Now that I'm older, I can't just go 'Yeah, I'll just date her and see how it goes,' like I used to. I have to be more cautious, you know. I also don't have many opportunities to meet someone." 

The actor also pointed out that his busy schedule is a factor, saying, "I'm currently busy filming 'The Good Guy' (working title). Since I'm always working, being alone at home on my days off is what makes me the happiest these days. I just need that time alone without being around others." 

He continued, "Also, when I'm watching streaming content alone, I can choose whatever I want, but if someone else is with me, I have to consider their preferences too. I've become too comfortable being by myself."

(Credit= '뜬뜬 DdeunDdeun' YouTube) 

(SBS Star) 
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