On the June 26 episode of Channel A's television show 'Sinrang Class', actor Shim Hyung-tak and his Japanese wife Hirai Saya were featured on their special day.
"Do you know what day it is?", Hirai Saya asked Shim Hyung-tak at the beginning of the clip.
"Of course I do. It's June 5, the day we registered our marriage.", Shim Hyung-tak replied.
"But Saya, in Korea, married couples usually regard the date they had their wedding ceremony as the anniversary date, not the day they registered their marriage. We think a wedding ceremony is more important.", Shim Hyung-tak remarked.

She continued, "And we got married only a year ago. I know celebrating a wedding anniversary every year can be challenging, but this is our first one. I was expecting a gesture from you."
"The heart is what truly matters. Just a letter and a flower bouquet would have been sufficient.", Hirai Saya added, disappointed.
As she asked, "Would that be an inconvenience for you?", Shim Hyung-tak quickly responded, "No, absolutely not! This year, I will celebrate both of our marriage anniversaries."

"When you think about it, the day you registered your marriage is when you became legally married. It is certainly a memorable day.", Danny Ahn of K-pop boy group g.o.d said.
Singer Lee Seung-chul exclaimed, "Wait, have I registered my marriage?"
He pretended to call his wife and asked, "Darling, have we registered our marriage? Are you sure we have?", adding a little chuckle to the show.
"That reminds me. I haven't done it yet.", Lee Da-hae said, revealing she and SE7EN have not registered their marriage yet; this remark surprised everyone in the studio.
"We had planned to do that on May 6. We couldn't, however, because it was designated a temporary holiday.", she explained.

(Credit= Channel A Sinrang Class, 'leedahey4eva' Instagram)
(SBS Star)