On April 11, Lee Hye-won uploaded a video of herself going to the airport to get her flight to New York, the United States, to visit her daughter.
In the video, Lee Hye-won explained to the producer of her YouTube channel why she had to squeeze time to fly out to New York during her busy schedule appearing on TV.
"Ri-won is moving, and I'm going to help her out.", she said, explaining, "I want to go check her new place, make sure it's safe, and take care of any necessary arrangements."

"Ri-won is already in the second semester of her sophomore year. She took a course on sports law and got good grades.", she proudly said.

"She grew up watching her father going in and out of the country as a soccer player. Ri-won said she thought some situations he was in seemed unfair to her. She told me that she chose her major in hopes of creating more opportunities for Korean athletes playing overseas.", she said.
"She would need to study a lot to reach her goal, learning subjects like law, economics, and management. But she seems to enjoy studying and always gives her best.", Lee Hye-won remarked.
She added, "I thought she wouldn't want to be involved in anything even remotely related to sports because of her father. I guess familial bond does exist."

(Credit= '제2혜원' YouTube, 'leehyewon2002' Instagram)
(SBS Star)