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[SBS Star] 'The Glory' Kim Hieora Responds to Her Bullying Allegations with a Handwritten Letter

[SBS Star] 'The Glory' Kim Hieora Responds to Her Bullying Allegations with a Handwritten Letter
Netflix's revenge series 'The Glory' star Kim Hieora, who portrayed 'Lee Sa-ra'―a current drug addict and one of the cruel bullies back in school, responded to her bullying allegations with a handwritten letter. 

Earlier on September 6, news outlet Dispatch dropped an exclusive report on Kim Hieora about her past as a student. 

According to the report, Kim Hieora belonged to the notorious 'Big XX' group of XX Girls' Middle School in Wonju, Gangwon-do, which was famous for verbal abuse, physical violence and blackmail, targeting younger students at their school. 

Several informants from her school told Dispatch that Kim Hieora was relentless in her pursuit of money, and would extort money from victims for things like cigarettes, alcohol, singing rooms and shopping. 

The report also included photos and screenshots of online posts that proved Kim Hieora being a member of this group of 'bullies'.

During her interview with Dispatch, it is said Kim Hieora admitted that she was part of 'Big XX' but never participated in the act of bullying, saying, "I was not the best student out there, but I have not bullied other students. I am not trying to duck my responsibility here, but I would say I was more of a bystander." 

Later in the day, Kim Hieora's agency gave their official response to the report, "It is true that Kim Hieora was one of the members of 'Big XX', but we would like to make it very clear that any additional accusations that have been discussed and reported in the media are untrue. Kim Hieora also never admitted to those acts; she has never taken part in any kind of school violence."
Kim Hieora
Then on September 7, Dispatch released Kim Hieora's handwritten letter that they received following their interview with her. 

In her letter, Kim Hieora said, "Since when I was young, not only did I have a unique name, but also unique facial features. That meant, I was either to attract attention or to be teased. As I entered middle school, many issues arose due to things related to my cousin, even though it was not my will. From then on, I started to believe that it was better to be noticed than be picked on; I looked at the world with an immature perspective." 

"The reason why I got into acting was because I could confidently say that I had never bullied anyone in the past. Back in school, I have made a lot of mistakes; I was not a model student. I now realized that my group and I feared some students, and I feel terrible about that. But from the last year of middle school, I really made up my mind to be a better person. And from high school, I've been someone that is always striving to become a person who seeks out and brings good influence." 

"Hearing that students at my school remembered me as 'a scary senior', my mind went totally blank. It was shocking to hear that since I had never beat anyone or anything then. But this provided me an opportunity to reflect on my past actions that may have made me seem like a bully. I'm not saying that I was nice and kind, but I do acknowledge my immaturity." 

She wrapped up the letter by saying, "Dear reporter Kim So-jeong, it may sound like I'm making excuses, but please know that ever since I came to the realization that those were wrong, I have made every effort to improve myself as a human being. I cannot change the past, but if you just give me a chance, I will make sure to live by paying off all my debts."
Kim Hieora
Kim Hieora
(Credit= Netflix Korea, 'hereare0318' Instagram) 

(SBS Star) 
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