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[SBS Star] "Am I an ATM?" Koo Hye Sun States Her Friends Used Her for Money Before

[SBS Star] "Am I an ATM?" Koo Hye Sun States Her Friends Used Her for Money Before
Actress Koo Hye Sun shared that some of her friends used to use her for money. 

On April 29, Koo Hye Sun featured in a show by one YouTube channel. 

During the conversation with the host Yim Hyun-seo, Koo Hye Sun brought up her hurtful past. 

Koo Hye Sun said, "I entered this industry when I was young, when I was too young. The reason why I say that is because I earned a lot of money at the age when everybody was still trying to." 

She resumed, "So, when I was earning money, many people asked me if I could lend them money. Because I was young, I didn't really know how to say no to them. I ended up lending them money, not just to one but to loads of them." 
What Koo Hye Sun said next took Yim Hyun-seo by big surprise; her exact words were, "I even paid for their college." 

Yim Hyun-seo went, "What? For real? That's crazy though. You really paid their tuition?" 

Koo Hye Sun nodded and replied, "Yeah, I did. It's all in the past, but yes, I did indeed. I was frequently asked to pay for their college. As that happened too often, I started to think to myself, 'Am I an ATM (automated teller machine)?' It was kind of frustrating. The thing is, nobody paid me back."  

Gasping, Yim Hyun-seo responded, "No way. In that case, they pretty much took the money from you, not borrowed!" 
With a bitter smile, Koo Hye Sun commented, "That's right. At one point, I began thinking, 'Fine. It's okay that no one paid me back. I just gave them money.' It wasn't like I wanted to think that way, but it was a necessary thought. The thought honestly helped me putting my mind at ease." 

To this, Yim Hyun-seo said, "Ah, it's been like 20 years since you lend them money, so it's probably going to be hard for you to get it back, even legally. I hope your way of dealing with those past issues will bring you peace in mind. I mean it." 

Koo Hye Sun then expressed her gratitude to Yim Hyun-seo for his kind and considerate words.

(Credit= '1q60 일큐육공' YouTube)  

(SBS Star)
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