On November 15, one record company shared the list of winners who won the lucky ticket to Billlie's first-ever fan signing event.
The fan signing event was planned to take place in a video-call form due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Out of the winners, one name caught the attention of many fans, and it was MOON BIN.
It turned out it really was MOON BIN that they knew.

While talking with fans, MOON BIN said, "What shall I ask her at the fan signing event? I feel like I'm not actually going to say anything to her."
He laughingly continued, "I'll probably just be like, 'Umm... Hi.', then the staff will tell me that the time's up."

It seems like MOON BIN's dream will come true very soon, and all K-pop fans are excited to witness their meet-up at the fan signing event.
Billlie made debut with the group's first mini album 'the Billage of perception: chapter one' on November 10.

(SBS Star)