
[SBS Star] Yoon Ji Sung Shares a Hilarious Reason He Keeps a Photo of MINHYUN in His Wallet

[SBS Star] Yoon Ji Sung Shares a Hilarious Reason He Keeps a Photo of MINHYUN in His Wallet
K-pop artist Yoon Ji Sung keeps a photo of boy group NU'EST's member MINHYUN in his wallet, and his reason is making everybody laugh. 

On October 18, one fashion magazine shared an interview of Yoon Ji Sung on YouTube. 

During this interview, Yoon Ji Sung showed off some of his favorite items. 

One of the items was a long wallet from a French luxury brand that he bought when he went abroad for a concert tour. 
Yoon Ji Sung
Yoon Ji Sung said, "I bought this when I was Wanna One. I don't really organize my wallet, so it's all very messy inside." 

The K-pop artist continued, "But in this wallet, I keep my ID card, driver's license, credit cards, debit cards, old receipts and some cash that my mom gave me. Oh, and there's also a Polaroid picture of MINHYUN." 

He laughed and resumed, "Some time ago, MINHYUN came over to my place. There was a Polaroid camera where we were sitting, so I said I would take a photo of him." 
Yoon Ji Sung
He went on, "After I took it, I waited the photo to be developed, but forget to gave him the photo on that day. So, I put it in my wallet so that I could give it to him the next time I see him. But I keep forgetting that I had his photo in the wallet that it's still here, not with MINHYUN." 

Then, Yoon Ji Sung wrapped up his story by jokingly stating, "Once something enters this wallet, it doesn't really leave, except for money. I wish money didn't leave easily as well..." 

Yoon Ji Sung and MINHYUN were part of project boy group Wanna One that was active from August 2017 until January 2019. 

(Credit= 'Marie Claire Korea' YouTube, 'pledisnuest' Facebook) 

(SBS Star)   
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