On April 6, Han Ji Hyun sat down for an interview with the press.

Han Ji Hyun said, "When I'm with my family, everything seems the same as the time before 'The Penthouse: War in Life', but it's completely different when I'm outside."
She continued, "A lot of people around my mom ask if they could get my autograph, so I recently even ended up making my autograph sheets."
She resumed, "Not only that, I frequently get recognized when I go out. It's surprising."

Han Ji Hyun said, "Following my appearance in 'The Penthouse: War in Life', the number of my Instagram followers went from 1,500 to 1,500,000. I couldn't believe it."
She went on, "It's impressive, but at the same time, it gave me a bit of pressure. I kept double-checking my posts before posting them in order to prevent from being misinterpreted."

'Joo Seok-kyung' is a high school student who is filled with evil and mean spirits.
(Credit= SBS The Penthouse: War in Life)
(SBS Star)