On December 16, a video went viral online showing a staff member of '2020 ISAC' disrespectfully grabbing and pulling Chuu's hair to get her attention for and interview.

Instead of calling her name or tapping on her shoulder, the staff member pulled Chuu's hair, and Chuu noticeably leaned back due to this unexpected force.

Then on December 17, the production team of '2020 ISAC' issued an official statement of apology.

They continued, "The staff member is heavily reflecting on his actions, and delivered his personal, sincere apology to LOONA's Chuu. Once again, we apologize for causing discomfort and concern to many people due to our staff member's negligence, and we promise to put our efforts to prevent such incidents from occurring again."
아육대 스텝분..... 애 머리를 잡아 당기는건 도를 지나친거 아닌가용 ㅎㅎ;; 인터뷰 해야한다고 그냥 어께라도 툭툭 건들이면 될것을 굳이 왜 애 머리카락을?? ㅋㅋㅋ pic.twitter.com/7i1EzLVYLf
— 소울츄 (@Jinsoul_Chuu) December 16, 2019
(Credit= 'Jinsoul_Chuu' 'loonatheworld' Twitter, MBC)
(SBS Star)