
SBS 뉴스 상단 메뉴

[SBS Star] VIDEO: Roy Kim Attends Police Questioning as a Suspect

Singer Roy Kim apologized to his fans and the public as he attends his first police questioning for suspicions of spreading illegally taken content.

On April 10 at 2:40PM KST, Roy Kim arrived at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency and stood in front of the press.
Roy Kim
Roy Kim said, "First and foremost, I apologize to my fans, family, and the public who supported and cherished me for causing worries. I will truthfully and diligently participate in the investigation."
Roy Kim
When asked if he took the photos that he shared in the group chatroom and used the slang in the chatroom that implied drugs, Roy Kim refused to answer and went in for questioning.
Roy Kim
Currently, Roy Kim faces a charge of distributing illegally taken sexual content without consent via his close friend Jung Joon Young's group chatroom.

He returned to Korea yesterday from Washington D.C., the United States, where he was attending college.

(Credit= Baik Seung-chul/SBS funE)

(SBS Star) 
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