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[SBS Star] "They're like home to me" D.O. Talks About EXO's Strong Bond

[SBS Star] "They're like home to me" D.O. Talks About EXO's Strong Bond
K-pop boy group EXO's member/actor D.O. (Do Kyung-soo) talked about what his fellow members mean to him.

After his photo shoot for 'Singles' magazine, D.O. sat down for the interview where he talked about his acting career as well as his life as a global superstar.
Talking about his new movie 'Underdog' which D.O. took part in as a voice actor, he said, "I've always been a fan of animated films. The scenario for 'Underdog' was so good that I accepted the (casting) offer right away."

He added, "They utilized my real facial expressions to my animated character, and it was amazing how it actually look like me. I think that made it easier for me to focus on my acting."
When asked about the difference between EXO's D.O. and the actor Do Kyung-soo, D.O. said, "I don't really have any fixed ideas about this is how I want to look on stage, this is how I want to look in front of the camera."

He continued, "It's all just Do Kyung-soo. I'm simply Do Kyung-soo who acts and sings."

Then D.O. talked about EXO's strong bond and expressed his affection towards his fellow EXO members.
"To me, the members of EXO are lifelong friends," he said, "I truly like each and every one of the members. They are all very loyal and kindhearted. I always feel comfortable around them. They're like home to me."

(Credit= Singles/SBS funE, SM Entertainment)

(SBS Star)  
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