On November 25, tvN's variety show 'New Journey to the West 6' aired an episode which showed Ahn Jae Hyeon having a good time playing 'a number of people' game with other cast.

After playing rounds of this 'a number of people' game, Ahn Jae Hyeon and P.O from K-pop boy group Block B ended up being two losers.
So, the cast suggested Ahn Jae Hyeon and P.O to play another round just by themselves.
P.O chose #55 where there was only one person, and Ahn Jae Hyeon went for #59 where there were 27 people.

When another cast Lee Soo Geun said, "Jae Hyeon, just choose a channel that you feel like choosing!", Ahn Jae Hyeon went for #119 without any hesitation.
It turned out to be a fishing channel, and so he had to get to an island located in the Yellow Sea all alone by 5AM.

However, it was discovered that there was actually a reason behind his choice.
Fans found out that Ahn Jae Hyeon chose this number because Koo Hye Sun's birthday is on November 9.

▶ [SBS Star] Ahn Jae Hyeon Shows He Is Still Madly in Love with His Wife Koo Hye Sun
(Lee Narin, Credit= 'aagbanjh' Instagram, tvN New Journey to the West 6, 'NAVER' Official Website)
(SBS Star)