[SBS Star] Han Ji Min Speaks up About Child Abuse at 'London East Asia Film Festival 2018'
SBS 뉴스Seoul
Published2018.10.29 17:08ViewView Count
Actress Han Ji Min draw the attention of the public with a powerful speech.
On October 26 (local time), Han Ji Min won the Best Actress award at 'London East Asia Film Festival 2018' for her latest film 'Miss Baek'.
When Han Ji Min went up to the stage to deliver her speech, everyone looked quite surprised since she not only looked absolutely stunning in her purple dress, but also, she prepared her speech in English.
Han Ji Min said, "Thank you. As you all know, our film 'Miss Baek' addressed the issue of child abuse."
She added, "Under no circumstances, I believe that no child should go through these types of tragedy. I just hope that all the children around the world could live a happy life."
After her moving speech, the audience supported her with a big applause.
In the acclaimed film 'Miss Baek', Han Ji Min played the role of 'Baek Sang-a', a woman who became a convict in the process of protecting herself.
After being abandoned by her mother, an alcoholic, and almost became the victim of sexual assault, 'Baek Sang-a' decided to alienate herself from the world and give herself a new name 'Miss Baek' to escape from her past.
However, the minute she meets 'Kim Ji-eun', a little girl who reminds her of her young self and a victim of child abuse, she decides to fight back and braces herself to protect and save her from this cruel world.
Meanwhile, 'Miss Baek' attracted more than 640,000 moviegoers in a little over two weeks.
(Kang Eunbee, Credit= 'roma.emo' 'bhent_official' Instagram, Little Big Pictures)
(SBS Star)
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