
[SBS Star] Netizen Who Damaged G-DRAGON's Chandelier Comes Under Criticism

[SBS Star] Netizen Who Damaged G-DRAGON's Chandelier Comes Under Criticism
A netizen who damaged a chandelier inside G-DRAGON's cafe is under criticism online.

Recently, a post with the title 'I damaged 300 million won (approximately 266,000 dollars) chandelier in GD's cafe' went viral on various online communities.
Netizen Who Damaged G-DRAGON's Chandelier Comes Under Criticism
G-DRAGON owns a cafe called 'Mônsant De Aewol' in Jeju Island, which is known for its breathtaking ocean view.

The netizen who allegedly damaged GD's chandelier wrote, "G-DRAGON's cafe said that they will purchase the broken part, but told me to pay for the repairs. This is why I like TAEYANG more! Think I have to pay at least 300,000 won (approximately 266 dollars)."
Netizen Who Damaged G-DRAGON's Chandelier Comes Under Criticism
As people who read the post asked for the details, the netizen added, "Someone broke the chandelier a few days ago, but he just ran out. But I fess up. Hit-and-run is definitely the best choice in South Korea."

He also commented, "I will pay for it but I will never visit GD's cafe again. Overpriced, and I can enjoy the view elsewhere."

After reading his comments, people defended G-DRAGON by commenting "G-DRAGON is indeed a rich and famous celebrity, but being told to pay for the repairs is something to get worked up about?".

Some people defended the netizen saying, "The chandelier shouldn't be hung so low in the first place" "They should've put a warning sign or something to prevent the repetitive accident".
Netizen Who Damaged G-DRAGON's Chandelier Comes Under Criticism
The original post is currently unavailable as the netizen deleted it.

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(Credit= 'BIGBANG' Facebook, Online Community)

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