[SBS Star] Harry Potter Maniac Taeyeon, Visits Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station
SBS 뉴스Seoul
Published2017.09.01 14:46ViewView Count
K-pop girl group Girls' Generation's Taeyeon revealed she's a huge fan of Harry Potter!
On August 31, Taeyeon posted a picture of her 'entering' into Kings Cross station's Platform Nine and Three-Quarters in London, England.
In the movie 'Harry Potter', Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at King's Cross station is significant to young wizards. It is where young wizards go when they departs for Hogwarts via Hogwarts Express.
Taeyeon also posted a selfie of herself wearing a make-up inspired by one of the Hogwarts' houses called 'Slytherin'.
Then she also took a picture of a pigeon, that looks like an owl―which acts as a messenger in the movie. She wrote "My owl doesn't listen to me".
Taeyeon's fans all know that Taeyeon is a huge fan of the movie 'Harry Potter'.
In 2013, she took a picture in front of a set of 'Harry Potter' and wrote "I want to go there again".
Also in 2015, she was spotted to visit Universal Studios and cosplay Harry Potter.
Fans wished her a safe and fun trip to Hogwarts.
(Credit = 'seojuhyun_s', 'taeyeon_ss' Instagram)
(SBS Star)
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