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[SBS Star] William's Mother Gets Angry About Rumors Saying He Is Unhappy with School

[SBS Star] William's Mother Gets Angry About Rumors Saying He Is Unhappy with School
Korea-based New Zealander Australian comedian Sam Hammington's wife Jung Yu-mi was seen raging against those who spread rumors about her first son William. 

On May 10, a new video was uploaded on one popular YouTube channel. 

The video showed Jung Yu-mi waking William and his younger brother Bentley up early in the morning, and them busily getting ready for school. 

Once they were all awake, Jung Yu-mi washed them, packed their snacks and bags, and made their breakfast. 

As she cooked them breakfast, William and Bentley got changed and prepared themselves to leave home. 
At 7:20 AM, they left their house in a car, and headed to school. 

In the car, Jung Yu-mi commented, "Sam just needs to wake himself up and leave the house when he needs to, but I've got to do this every single day. It's so hard waking the boys up in the morning."

While on the move, Jung Yu-mi asked William, "You love going to school these days, don't you? What do you do at school?", in which William answered, "Yeah, I do. I play soccer there." 

Then, she said to William, "It's fun playing soccer, isn't it?", and William nodded.  
After that, Jung Yu-mi commented, "The boys love going to school like this, but one non-Korean magazine recently published an article stating that William was unhappy with his school life."

Thinking about the article, she could not help herself raising her voice a little. 

When asked William if that was true, he shook his head sideways, then said, "I love going to school. I've got lots of friends at school as well." 

Bentley also stated, "I love school, too. I want to sleep at school.", then he suddenly started talking randomly, "When I think about it, there is a wolf in my head..."

To this, Jung Yu-mi told him that he should not watch too much television; that was why a wolf comes to visit him in his head. 

Upon their arrival, they showed great excitement upon meeting their friends, and headed to their class with a smile.  

(Credit= '스튜디오 썸 - STUDIO SSUM' YouTube) 

(SBS Star) 
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