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[SBS Star] Song Ji-eun Reveals How Her Parents Reacted When She Told Them about Her Fiance Park Wi

Cho Yunjung

입력 : 2024.05.09 15:23|수정 : 2024.05.09 15:23

Singer/actress Song Ji-eun shared her deep affection for her fiancé, Park Wi, a paraplegic YouTuber.

On the May 8 episode of MBC's talk show 'Radio Star', Song Ji-eun guested and talked about Park Wi. 

During the show, Song Ji-eun said she has been getting a lot of congratulations from people in the entertainment industry since she and Park Wi announced that they are getting married.

"Since we shared the news, people have been contacting me and offering to host our wedding or sing at the ceremony to celebrate the occasion.", she said, expressing her gratitude.
Song Ji-eunDuring the show, Song Ji-eun talked about how her parents reacted when she informed them about her relationship with Park Wi.

"My dad told me to have a beautiful relationship with him. My mom asked me, 'How did you get to know WERACLE (Park Wi's YouTube channel)?'. It turned out that one of the two YouTube channels my mom subscribed to was his! She knew more about Park Wi's daily life than I did. My mom and I were amazed by the coincidence.", she recalled.

"Park Wi frequently contacts my mom and expresses affection by saying 'I love you' to her. They even go out together. Now my mom seems to like him more than me.", Song Ji-eun proudly shared.
Song Ji-eun"People often praise me for marrying Park Wi, who lives in a wheelchair. They say that I'm great, that I'm an angel for marrying him.", Song Ji-eun remarked, "But His disability was not something I thought about when I decided to marry him. I didn't care about it. So, people praising me about it made me feel a bit awkward."

The bride-to-be then described how wonderful Park Wi's mother has been to her, saying, "I requested her to spend time with me while Park Wi was gone on a business trip because I wanted to be closer to her. She invited me to her house and offered to stay in Park Wi's room for a night."

"When I went into the room, I saw lace pajamas folded beautifully on the bed. It was a gift from Park Wi's mother. It was such a kind gesture.", said Song Ji-eun.

"When Park Wi's mother saw how happy I was in the pajamas, she brought me a bunch of her favorite clothes from her closet and said, 'Ji-eun, feel free to take anything you like from here.'. She gifted me so many clothes on that day. I wore one of those on a special day when I received a bouquet.", Song Ji-eun said and happily smiled.
Song Ji-eunMeanwhile, Song Ji-eun and Park Wi made their relationship public in December.

▶ [SBS Star] VIDEO: Secret Song Ji-eun Says She Fell in Love with Paraplegic YouTuber Park Wi at First Sight

The couple recently announced that they are tying the knot on October 9 in a wedding ceremony.

(Credit= MBC Radio Star, 'bimil_jieun' Instagram)

(SBS Star)
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