SBS Star

[SBS Star] Song Seung-hyun Reveals to Be Retiring & Leaving Korea for Marriage & Business

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

It has just been revealed that Song Seung-hyun, formerly of K-pop boy band FTISLAND, is retiring from the industry and leaving Korea because he is getting married and moving for his business. 

Back on February 15, Song Seung-hyun shared his plans to end his journey in the entertainment industry and start a new chapter of his life in another country. 

Via Instagram, Song Seung-hyun said, "After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's time for me to depart from the entertainment industry and perhaps relocate from Korea to embark on a new journey in my life. Since my departure from FTISLAND four years ago to pursue acting, I've encountered various challenges, particularly in adjusting to new endeavors and managing complex relationships."

He continued, "While it's undeniable that every field has its own share of difficulties and complexities in relationships, I'm dedicated to adopting a healthier and more balanced lifestyle moving forward," then bade farewell to fans by saying, "Thank you so much for all the love and support you've given me up to now. I hope you all live a healthy and joyful life!" 

▶ [SBS Star] Former FTISLAND Song Seung-hyun to Retire from the Industry & Leave Korea

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then on February 20, news outlet Sports Seoul exclusively reported reasons behind Song Seung-hyun's retirement. 

Sports Seoul stated, "Song Seung-hyun is actually tying the knot with his longtime girlfriend this June. He is currently fully immersed in wedding preparations. It's likely that he'll get married at a wedding hall in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul." 

They continued, "Following his wedding, Song Seung-hyun will be moving to the United States, where he will take over his father-in-law's restaurant business, paving the way for a new chapter in his life." 

According to a music industry insider familiar with Song Seung-hyun told the media outlet, "Song Seung-hyun's decision to retire is influenced by his plans to lead an ordinary working life in the States following his marriage." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

It is said that the members of FTISLAND have heard about Song Seung-hyun's new beginning and expressed their support. 

The same industry insider said, "Since Song Seung-hyun departed from the band after his contract in 2019, he hasn't kept in touch with the guys. But the members were informed about Song Seung-hyun's updates through mutual friends, given their long history together."  

As for their attendance at the wedding, however, they noted that the decision is still pending.  

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= 'soow456' Instagram, Online Community) 

(SBS Star)

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