입력 : 2025.02.28 19:13
수정 : 2025.02.28 19:16<참고문헌>
내 주변 민방위 대피소, 지도앱과 민간포털에서 쉽고 빠르게 찾는다
(행정안전부 보도자료, 2023.6.29)
북한 발사체에 한일 재난문자 '대조'…일본, 한국보다 신속 · 상세
(김용철, SBS 뉴스, 2023.05.31)
<서울시 대피시설 실태와 개선방안>
(신상영, 남현정, 김상균, 서울연구원, 2021.8.31)
<하와이는 왜 핵공격 대피훈련을 하는가?>
(Steven Kim, 제주평화연구원, 2017.12.7)
2025 Military Strength Ranking
(Global Firepower, 2025)
Switzerland plans revamp of Cold War-era nuclear bunker network
(Emma Farge, Cecile Mantovani, Reuters, 2024.12.13)
Ukraine intercepted 30 of 38 Russian missiles during mass attack, Air Force says
(Martin Fornusek, THE KYIV INDEPENDENT, 2024.7.8)
Hawaii tests nuclear alarms as North Korea threat escalates
(Brittany Lyte, The Washington Post, 2017.12.1)
Guam is telling its citizens how to survive a nuclear attack
(AJ Willingham, CNN, 2017.8.11)
'Duck and cover': in Japan, North Korean missile alerts are becoming a fact of life
(Justin McCurry, The Guardian, 2017.7.26)
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