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[SBS Star] "Only a Week Left?" Choi Jin Hyuk Gets Emotional as He Faces Losing His Dog to Cancer

Lee Narin

입력 : 2024.09.02 11:26|수정 : 2024.09.02 11:26

Actor Choi Jin Hyuk is grappling with the heartbreaking reality of saying goodbye to his first-ever dog, Mongsil, as she battles a devastating cancer diagnosis.

On September 1 episode of SBS' television show "My Little Old Boy," Choi Jin Hyuk was seen visiting the vet with Mongsil. 

Choi Jin Hyuk told the vet, "Since the last time you told me to 'prepare yourself for the worst,' I haven't had a good night's sleep. Almost every night, I check to make sure Mongsil is still with us."

As Mongsil's health had worsened since his last visit, prompting an ultrasound, revealing a large tumor in her heart.

The vet explained, "What Mongsil has is similar to blood cancer in humans. The tumor is pressing against her heart, making it difficult for the heart to function. The cancer cells have spread to her heart, spleen, and even her skin."

He said that Mongsil possibly only had about one to two weeks left, saying, "The pressure from the bleeding can cause sudden death, which is common in these cases." 

Choi Jin Hyuk was visibly shocked, saying, "I didn't realize it was that soon."
Choi Jin HyukCurrently, Mongsil is on medication to slow the spread of the cancer, but the vet warned that if the cancer progresses to a point where the medication is no longer effective, the tumor could quickly grow larger.

The vet cautioned, "There could be bleeding from the affected areas again, and that means her condition could worsen at any time."

Hearing this, Choi Jin Hyuk looked devastated. Mongsil is the first dog he ever owned and has been part of his life for 13 years. He admitted, "This is just too hard to accept. I don't even know how to prepare for the final goodbye."

The vet comforted him by saying, "I know it's heartbreaking to even think about, but it's an inevitable part of life," and advised him to make arrangements for her body, given that she could pass away suddenly. 
Choi Jin HyukChoi Jin Hyuk then visited a pet funeral home. There, he came across a photo of a dog that resembled Mongsil.

The thought of losing Mongsil brought tears to his eyes as he wondered aloud, "I honestly don't know what to do."

Even after returning home, he was still troubled. As he prepared a special meal for Mongsil, he lovingly told her, "Let's continue to be together for as long as we can, the three of us—me, Mom, and you. Okay, Mongsil?"
Choi Jin Hyuk(Credit= SBS My Little Old Boy) 

(SBS Star) 
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