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[SBS Star] "She Was on Top of Me" Kim Jae Joong Recalls Sasaeng Breaking In·Kissing Him While Asleep

Lee Narin

입력 : 2024.07.22 15:15|수정 : 2024.07.22 15:15

K-pop boy group JYJ's member Kim Jae Joong shared that he finds sasaeng fans scarier than ghosts. 

On July 21 episode of MBC's television show "Midnight Horror Story 4," Kim Jae Joong made a guest appearance. 

When introducing Kim Jae Joong, the main host Kim Gu-ra said, "Jae Joong is like me. He doesn't believe in ghosts."

Kim Jae Joong nodded and said, "Yeah, I don't think ghosts exist. They're just made up by humans. What I'm scared of is people, not ghosts."
Kim Jae JoongKim Jae Joong then shared why he finds people scary, "I think I'm probably the one who has suffered the most from sasaeng fans in Korea. I've had a lot of creepy experiences with them."

Kim Sook added, "I heard there was a sasaeng fan who broke into your house at night and held your hand."

Kim Jae Joong corrected her, "That's not true. She didn't hold my hand; she kissed me," shocking everyone.

He explained that he woke up at home to find an unfamiliar woman on top of him, which freaked him out.

He tried to go back to sleep, thinking it was a dream, but when he opened his eyes again and saw her still there, he realized it was a sasaeng fan who had broken in.

He added that it was just too late to stop the fan from kissing him. 
Kim Jae JoongKim Jae Joong also revealed that every night, someone would come to his house and repeatedly press his digital door lock.

Fortunately, that person was eventually caught by the police, but her motive was beyond imagination.

The sasaeng fan apparently told the police, "I just wanted to feel Kim Jae Joong's touch by pressing the door lock he uses every day."

Kim Gu-ra responded, "I understand why you aren't afraid of ghosts now."

Kim Jae Joong concluded by sending a message to sasaeng fans, "I hope you realize that obsessive love can come across as terror," and asked them to refrain from such extreme behavior.
Kim Jae Joong(Credit= MBC Midnight Horror Story 4) 

(SBS Star) 
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