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[SBS Star] 'Muscle Man' Don Lee Spotted Taking a Video of the Audience with a Hello Kitty Phone Case

Lee Narin

입력 : 2024.04.30 14:56|수정 : 2024.04.30 14:56

Actor Don Lee, renowned for his muscular physique, was spotted with the world's cutest phone case.

On April 27, Don Lee attended the VIP premiere of "The Roundup: Punishment."

As Don Lee entered the theater, he waved to the audience in their seats, flashing them a bright smile. 

He then promptly pulled out his phone and began recording the audience, appearing to want to capture the moment just as much as the audience did.

As everyone witnessed this scene, laughter filled the air, all because of his surprisingly cute Hello Kitty phone case.

Seeing the cute Hello Kitty phone case meeting Don Lee's serious expression, they could not help but burst into laughter.

Don Lee's affection for Hello Kitty is actually well-known among his Instagram followers. 

Recently, he took to his Instagram to share photos of himself wearing a Hello Kitty phone case and pair of Hello Kitty slippers, accompanied by the caption, "Hell-o Kitty." 

At that time, his followers left comments such as, "So, it's 'hell' not 'hello'... That's kind of scary," "I love this. They go with him so well. LOL," "Please don't beat up your phone case when your phone is being too slow," and more. 

He is once again attracting a lot of attention with his intriguing preference for the opposite of a 'muscle man,' which is what he is.
Don Lee(Credit= Online Community, 'ConTubesT' YouTube, 'donlee' Instagram) 

(SBS Star) 
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