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[SBS Star] 'The Plot' Cast Say Gang Dong Won Made Them Angry Because He Was Too Perfect

Lee Narin

입력 : 2024.04.29 17:09|수정 : 2024.04.29 17:09

The cast of an upcoming movie "The Plot" shared how actor Gang Dong Won made them angry with his flawlessness. 

On April 29, there was a press conference for "The Plot," where the director and actors took the stage to discuss the film.

"The Plot" is a movie that depicts the story of Yeong-il (Gang Dong Won), a manipulator who orchestrates commissioned assassinations into perfect staged accidents, only to find himself entangled in unexpected events.

Director Lee Yo-seop praised Gang Dong Won, saying, "He's got a perfect face. I consider it an honor to have seen someone like him with my own eyes. He also has a dark charm like a comic book character. I would describe him as 'a handsome guy with dark charms.' His charm and humane gestures blend together so well that when you see him through the camera, you repeatedly think to yourself, 'I'm so blessed.'"
Gang Dong WonWhen asked about her chemistry with Gng Dong Won her role as Jackie, a veteran team member of Yeong-il, actress Lee Mi-sook replied, "It was good. Of course, I followed Gang Dong Won's character's lead, but I also provided various opinions and expertise to create the perfect scenario since I'm a veteran. Everyone listened well, and that was nice," then she laughed. 

She jokingly added, "I've always been a fan of Gang Dong Won, but you know what? He made me angry during our shoots. It was because he had too many good qualities. That made me think, 'Why does he have only good things? Why?!' So I even joked, 'What can I do to find a flaw in him? Are there any ways?' I was just desperate to find his flaw." 

Her remark not only had the entire cast of "The Plot" bursting into laughter but also nodding in unanimous agreement.
Gang Dong Won(Credit= Baik Seung-chul/SBS Entertainment News) 

(SBS Star) 
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