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[SBS Star] Hwang Jae-gyun Tells Ji Yeon, "If Our Baby Wants to Be a K-Pop Star, I'll Show Her T-ARA MVs"

Lee Narin

입력 : 2024.03.07 18:25|수정 : 2024.03.07 18:25

Professional baseball player Hwang Jae-gyun made his wife Ji Yeon of K-pop girl group T-ARA laugh with his message to their future daughter. 

Recently, Ji Yeon updated her YouTube channel with a video of herself visiting Busan to see Hwang Jae-gyun. 

As to why she was heading to Busan, Ji Yeon explained, "My husband's currently in Busan, and he hasn't been feeling well since yesterday. Since today's my day off, I decided to go to Busan. It wasn't part of my plan, but here I am on the train to Busan." 

When Hwang Jae-gyun came to pick her up at Busan Station, Ji Yeon sighed in relief, because he looked like he was in a much better condition compared to the day before. 

Looking at her smile, Hwang Jae-gyun told her, "I felt much better this morning, so I thought I should come and pick you up. You've come a long way to see me, so this is the least I could do for you." 

After touring around Busan for a bit, they headed to their hotel, where they were assigned a room with a magnificent view of the ocean. Then, they went to a nearby burger place. 
Ji YeonWhile enjoying burgers and fries by the window, Hwang Jae-gyun said to Ji Yeon, "You were quite the wild teenager." To which Ji Yeon responded, "What are you talking about? I wasn't wild." 

Laughing, Hwang Jae-gyun commented, "You totally were. Have you not seen yourself in music videos? You were chewing gum like one rebellious teenager." 

Ji Yeon replied with a laugh, "Hey! That was for work. That wasn't real me." 
Ji YeonThen, Hwang Jae-gyun hilariously mimicked her scenes from different T-ARA music videos, causing Ji Yeon to laugh and exclaim, "I worked really hard, didn't I?"

After sharing a good laugh together, Hwang Jae-gyun told Ji Yeon, "If our future daughter wants to become a K-pop star, I should show her all your music videos." 

He continued, "I'll get our daughter to watch them and ask her, 'Do you think you can do things like that? If you think you can do them, then go for it. Try becoming a K-pop star. But if you can't, then quit it now.' I'll also let her know how hard you worked as a K-pop star." 

Ji Yeon laughed and agreed that she had put a tremendous amount of effort into her work.

(Credit= '지연 'JIYEON' '1theK (원더케이)' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)
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