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[SBS Star] "She Didn't Give Me Her Number!" KyuHyun Recalls HYOLYN Rejecting Him

Lee Narin

입력 : 2024.01.22 11:14|수정 : 2024.01.22 11:14

KyuHyun of K-pop boy group Super Junior recalled HYOLYN of girl duo SISTAR19 giving him a wrong number when he asked for her number. 

On January 20 episode of JTBC's television show 'Knowing Brothers', KyuHyun and the two members of SISTAR19―HYOLYN and Yoon Bo-ra―made a guest appearance. 

During the talk, one of the hosts Kang Ho-dong revealed an interesting fact about KyuHyun, "This was a long time ago, but KyuHyun once asked HYOLYN for her number, and she completely refused to give him her number." 

KyuHyun laughed and said that it was true, then told everyone what happened, "It was after we filmed 'Immortal Songs: Singing the Legend' together. Me, HYOLYN, Jay Park, G.O, HUHGAK and JENYER participated in the recording at the time." 

He continued, "Following our recording, I suggested we all have a meal. So, I organized everything. First, I found the best restaurant we could gather together, then asked each of them for their number so that I could contact them to let them know things." 

He went on, "I explained this to HYOLYN when I went to her. Then, I asked if she could give me her number. She was like, 'Oh, oh?' then rushed into another room to grab another phone when she already had her phone in her hand. She gave me the number for the other phone." 
Knowing BrothersAt first, KyuHyun stated that he thought HYOLYN had given him the number for her second phone, but it turned out it was not her phone. 

"I texted HYOLYN after that. As I was speaking to her though, it almost felt as if I wasn't speaking to her. I kept getting the feeling, 'Am I talking with a guy?' It was weird. Later, I discovered that the number wasn't HYOLYN's number; it was her agency executive director's number. I was so hurt then!" 

HYOLYN then shared why she did not give KyuHyun her number, "It wasn't because I didn't like him or anything. That was not long after I made my debut, so my company didn't like me going to privately-organized gatherings. That's all." 
Knowing BrothersKyuHyun bitterly responded, "Well, it's okay," then moved on to talking about the recent moment when he bumped into HYOLYN at the airport. 

"I did meet HYOLYN at the airport recently. I think it was after we were returning from performing at a festival in Saudi Arabia or something. Do you remember, HYOLYN?" 

Looking confused as ever, HYOLYN asked, "Me? I don't remember seeing you at the airport at all." 

KyuHyun burst into laughter and complained, "You really don't care about me, do you?!" 
Knowing Brothers(Credit= JTBC Knowing Brothers)

(SBS Star) 
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