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[SBS Star] SOMI Says, "I Enjoy Feeling Like a Loser When I'm in a Relationship"

Lee Narin

입력 : 2023.08.21 17:34|수정 : 2023.08.21 17:34

K-pop artist SOMI shared what she is like when she is in a relationship. 

On August 18 episode of JTBC's talk show 'Witch Hunt 2023', SOMI made a guest appearance. 

During the opening, one of the hosts CODE KUNST said to SOMI, "The production crew told me something surprising about you, SOMI. Before our recording, did you really tell them that you are a total loser when you're in a relationship?" 

SOMI nodded and explained, "Yeah, I am. Let me give you an example. Just say... My boyfriend and I were supposed to meet up for a date, right? But I already got to the meeting point, and he hasn't. I would wait for him for like an hour or two, then go home after waiting until I got the feeling, 'Oh, I kind of feel like a loser now.'" 
SOMISurprised that any guy would make SOMI wait that long, host Joo Woo Jae exclaimed, "What? There's a guy in this world that would make you wait hours like that? That's insane!" 

SOMI said, "Well, there was. I couldn't even reach him for all that time I was waiting for him.", continuing, "But I like the vibe I get from these situations. I feel like I turned into a protagonist of a romance movie whose heart just got broken. That meant I could go home feeling depressed, and get myself trapped in that mood for a while. I actually enjoy that." 
SOMIJoo Woo Jae responded, "Okay, but that's not being a loser at all, because you're getting a thrill out of those times. Yeah... This doesn't make you a loser." 

Thinking a little, another host Mi-joo commented, "Doesn't this mean you're the boss in your relationships? I feel like this sort of tells us that you are." 

SOMI answered, "Well, I do think I'm the boss when dating someone, because I believe there are lots that my boyfriend could learn from me, and I have more to give than him, whoever that may be.", then grinned. 
SOMI(Credit= JTBC Witch Hunt 2023) 

(SBS Star) 
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