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[SBS Star] "My Father Passed Away, and…" Jung Woo Sung Speaks of the Weight of Being Director

Cho Yunjung

입력 : 2023.08.10 18:02|수정 : 2023.08.10 18:02

Actor/director Jung Woo Sung spoke about his father's death, which occurred during the filming of 'A Man of Reason'.

On August 10, Jung Woo Sung gave a video interview to a news outlet about his upcoming action film, 'A Man of Reason', set to premiere on August 15.

Jung Woo Sung both directed and starred in the movie.

He played the main character, 'Su-hyuk', an ex-convict who was released after ten years in prison.

'Su-hyuk' begins to long for a normal life after learning he has a daughter he had never known.

Jung Woo Sung has been in many films throughout his career, but this is his first time directing one.
Jung Woo SungWhen asked if he had any difficulties as a director during production, he responded, "Not as a director."

However, he did open up about his personal struggle while making the film.

On April 5, 2020, the news that Jung Woo Sung's father had passed away from old age was announced by his agency, Artist Company.

During filming 'A Man of Reason' in Busan, Gyeongsangnam-do, Jung Woo Sung traveled to Seoul, where his father's funeral was arranged.

The actor described the trying moment when he had to bear the weight of being the film's director while also grieving the loss of his father.

"It was a difficult period. We carefully continued filming 'A Man of Reason' during the COVID-19 pandemic. And, my father passed away while I was filming in Busan. I barely held his funeral and quickly returned to work.", said Jung Woo Sung.
Jung Woo SungEven during his personal grief, Jung Woo Sung says he was unable to take time off to properly mourn his father.

"I couldn't put off filming because of a personal matter. Although our film's budget was not small, it was still limited. Even a few days' delay would have jeopardized the project. I briefly went to Seoul to hold a funeral for him, immediately returned, and filmed action scenes."

"'Can I really be this way?', I thought to myself.", he added.

Later in the interview, Jung Woo Sung shared his sentiments about the film's impending release.

"I tried my best as a director, and I have no regrets about it.", he said, "I'm curious to see if people will like it. I'm ready to accept whatever the outcome is. Even if it isn't well received, I'd rather be thinking about what kinds of words should I use for my next movie than feeling bad about it."
Jung Woo Sung(Credit= Acemaker Movie Works)

(SBS Star)
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