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[SBS Star] Influencer Shares GOT7 JAY B's DMs Hitting on Her; Clarifies Their Talk Is Not Fake

Lee Narin

입력 : 2023.07.19 18:22|수정 : 2023.07.19 18:22

A female social media star, who previously shared her Instagram Direct Message conversation with JAY B of K-pop boy group GOT7, clarified that his messages are not fake, and they are no longer in touch. 

On July 18, one social media star with over 76,000 followers on Instagram posted screenshots of private Instagram messages from JAY B on her Instagram Story. 

The posted screenshots showed JAY B starting a conversation by replying to her Story and asking her a series of questions about herself; their talk went like this.  
JAY BJAY B: Dibs! (to a photo of cookies) 
Social media star: Oh... It's 10,000 won per cookie...! 
JAY B: Did you just see my reply to your Story? 
Social media star: Ahh you were replying to my Story? I only got to check it now.
JAY B: At least you got to see it, right? What are you up to today?
Social media star: I have no plans, so I'm probably going to stay home. 
JAY B: It looks like you go clubbing a lot, is that so?
Social media star: Do I seem like a person who goes clubbing often? 
JAY B: Well, your Story tells me...
Social media star: You saw my Story, okay! Yeah, I did go clubbing a couple of times lately. I really enjoyed watching 'Dream High 2' by the way. 
JAY B: That's a project that I did a long, long time ago! How old were you then? 
Social media star: I think I was a seventh grader. 
JAY B: What sort of activities do you typically do every day? 
Social media star: I work and... Meet friends. How did you find my Instagram anyway? By chance?
JAY B: Yes, yes. I was somehow led to your Instagram.  
Social media star: Aren't you busy these days? 
JAY B: I'm currently fulfilling my alternative military service, so I'm far from being busy. Are you? 

Over these screenshots, she wrote, "I had no idea what to say to such a famous person, so this is how I replied. Not that I planned, but we kept talking. Do you think he messaged me because he was bored?" 

The screenshots rapidly went viral online, and some people started criticizing JAY B for approaching random "hot" girls in such a way on Instagram.

Soon enough, JAY B's fans came forward and claimed that she faked the entire conversation. 
JAY BThen on July 19, the influencer updated her Instagram Story addressing the issue, as criticism of the messages from Internet users grew and more people "found" evidence that the messages were fake.

In her statement, she said she shared screenshots of the conversation between her and JAY B using an Instagram feature that could only be viewed by a group of close friends.

The social media star went on, "Someone from the group had captured my Story and uploaded the screenshots online. I wasn't trying to get attention." 

She made it very clear that she did not fake any messages, and there is nothing going on between her and JAY B at the moment; they are no longer talking.  

Lastly, she asked to hold off on making any more remarks about the messages. 
JAY BMeanwhile, JAY B has yet to formally respond to the ongoing online discussion about him.

(Credit= Online Community, '' Instagram)  

(SBS Star) 
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