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[SBS Star] "Am I an ATM?" Koo Hye Sun States Her Friends Used Her for Money Before

Lee Narin

입력 : 2023.05.01 18:00|수정 : 2023.05.01 18:00

Actress Koo Hye Sun shared that some of her friends used to use her for money. 

On April 29, Koo Hye Sun featured in a show by one YouTube channel. 

During the conversation with the host Yim Hyun-seo, Koo Hye Sun brought up her hurtful past. 

Koo Hye Sun said, "I entered this industry when I was young, when I was too young. The reason why I say that is because I earned a lot of money at the age when everybody was still trying to." 

She resumed, "So, when I was earning money, many people asked me if I could lend them money. Because I was young, I didn't really know how to say no to them. I ended up lending them money, not just to one but to loads of them." 
1q60What Koo Hye Sun said next took Yim Hyun-seo by big surprise; her exact words were, "I even paid for their college." 

Yim Hyun-seo went, "What? For real? That's crazy though. You really paid their tuition?" 

Koo Hye Sun nodded and replied, "Yeah, I did. It's all in the past, but yes, I did indeed. I was frequently asked to pay for their college. As that happened too often, I started to think to myself, 'Am I an ATM (automated teller machine)?' It was kind of frustrating. The thing is, nobody paid me back."  

Gasping, Yim Hyun-seo responded, "No way. In that case, they pretty much took the money from you, not borrowed!" 
1q60With a bitter smile, Koo Hye Sun commented, "That's right. At one point, I began thinking, 'Fine. It's okay that no one paid me back. I just gave them money.' It wasn't like I wanted to think that way, but it was a necessary thought. The thought honestly helped me putting my mind at ease." 

To this, Yim Hyun-seo said, "Ah, it's been like 20 years since you lend them money, so it's probably going to be hard for you to get it back, even legally. I hope your way of dealing with those past issues will bring you peace in mind. I mean it." 

Koo Hye Sun then expressed her gratitude to Yim Hyun-seo for his kind and considerate words.

(Credit= '1q60 일큐육공' YouTube)  

(SBS Star)
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