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[SBS Star] Shin Ye Eun Shows Her Cold-Hearted Side During an Interview Just like 'The Glory' 'Park Yeon-jin'?

Lee Narin

입력 : 2023.03.23 17:18|수정 : 2023.03.23 17:26

Actress Shin Ye Eun showed the cold-hearted side of herself during her interview, just like her character 'Park Yeon-jin' in the recently-ended Netflix's series 'The Glory'. 

On March 21, a fashion magazine dropped their interview with Shin Ye Eun online. 

During this interview, Shin Ye Eun was asked a various random questions about herself. 

When asked whether she would prefer to date a guy who is from a 10-billion-won family but is her family's enemy, or her type of man with 10-billion-won debt, Shin Ye Eun chose the latter one right away. 

She commented, "I definitely would rather date a guy who has huge debt as much as 10 billion won. It's not like I have to pay his debt off myself, so...", then laughingly added, "I'll probably still choose to date the guy with debt even if I had to pay it off for him."
Shin Ye EunAfterward, the actress was asked to choose between two different breakups―her boyfriend immediately moving on to someone else with the possibility of him cheating on her in the last couple of months/weeks before the end of their relationship or suddenly ghosting her for good. 

This time, she went for the former one, explaining, "As for the former one, I can think like, 'Oh, okay. He was just that sort of person.' That would be it, you know. But if he ghosts me, I will keep thinking and thinking about it, but unable to come to a conclusion." 
Shin Ye EunThe last question was, "Which do you dislike more: having an argument with your friends or boyfriend?" 

To this, Shin Ye Eun gave an icy response, as if she had transformed into her character in 'The Glory' where she acted a younger version of 'Park Yeon-jin', the leader of the vicious bullies in school, who only cares about herself and has no empathy. 

Shin Ye Eun answered, "I'll have to choose the former one again. Let me tell you why. It's because my relationship with him will eventually end if we don't get married anyway."

As she was laughing, she realized that her response may have sounded too cold, so she tried to make things up by saying, "I feel like I've said that too coldly. Oops! Sorry about that!" 

(Credit= 'THE STAR MAGAZINE' YouTube, Netflix Korea) 

(SBS Star) 
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