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[SBS Star] Kim Min-kyung Describes How Popular Jun Ji Hyun Was at Their University

Lee Narin

입력 : 2023.03.02 18:16|수정 : 2023.03.02 18:16

Actress Kim Min-kyung described actress Jun Ji Hyun's immense popularity at their university. 

On March 1 episode of KBS' television show 'Problem Child in House', Kim Min-kyung made a guest appearance. 

During the talk, one of the hosts Song Eun-yi said to Kim Min-kyung, "I heard that you were one of the 'goddesses' alongside Jun Ji Hyun, So Yu Jin and Han Chae-young at your university―Dongguk University. The four of you joined the university in the same year, right? I mean, that's incredible. What happened that year?" 

Kim Min-kyung laughed and responded, "Ah yes, we all got into the university at the same time. We were close to each other as well. Before the term began, I went to the university to get a copy of my acceptance letter. On my way to the admissions office, I ran into this beautiful girl." 

She continued, "I asked her if she knew where the office was, and she gave me directions with the brightest smile. That was Yu Jin. Because our birthdays were only a day apart, her ID number was right after mine. This naturally brought us together." 
Kim Min-kyungKim Min-kyungAs Kim Min-kyung shared that it was not long until they became close to Jun Ji Hyun and Han Chae-young, another host Kim Sook commented, "The students at your university must have gone wild whenever they saw you four girls walking side by side." 

Kim Min-kyung laughingly answered, "Well, yeah.", then added, "Ji Hyun she was someone who never missed school. When we would go to the cafeteria together, so many students lined up to get Ji Hyun's autograph." 
Kim Min-kyungJun Ji Hyun made debut in her teens; her popularity skyrocketed following her appearance in 2001's hit movie 'My Sassy Girl' when she was still a university student. 

(Credit= SBS Entertainment News/Baik Seung-chul, KBS Problem Child in House) 

(SBS Star) 
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