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[SBS Star] Kim Tae Ri Tells How Her Strangely-mysterious Elementary Graduation Photo Was Born

Lee Narin

입력 : 2022.07.21 18:08|수정 : 2022.07.21 18:08

Actress Kim Tae Ri shared how her elementary graduation photo that gives off strangely-mysterious feels was born. 

On July 20 episode of MBC FM4U's radio show 'Music Party', Kim Tae Ri and Kim Woo Bin made a guest appearance. 

During the talk, the host Kim Shin-young asked Kim Tae Ri about her elementary school graduation photo that a lot of people have been speaking about ever since it was unveiled online. 

Kim Shin-young said, "Your elementary school graduation photo is much-talked about due to its mysterious vibe that gives off. They say that it's hard to find that sort of vibe from an elementary school child. You do know about this, right?" 
Kim Tae RiKim Tae Ri laughed and commented, "Ah yes, I definitely do. The photo was taken when I was either the fifth or sixth grader. At that time, my homeroom teacher was like, 'Tae Ri, maybe you should get a haircut before we take your graduation photo. Your hair seems too long.'" 

She resumed, "But since our family was poor, I told my homeroom teacher that I was going to just take the photo without cutting my hair. That's why I look so poor, because I was poor." 
Kim Tae RiThen, Kim Tae Ri revealed that she actually did not like that graduation photo in the past, but she does now. 

Kim Tae Ri stated, "Back in the day, I was embarrassed and ashamed about the photo; I didn't want to show it to anyone, as I looked so poor in it. But after one of my schoolmates uploaded the photo on the Internet, many told me how they love that vibe in the photo." 

She carried on, "They took my past self as one of my movie or drama characters. Since I'm in the acting business, I thank everyone who sees it that way. I really like that." 
Kim Tae Ri(Credit= Online Community, MBC FM4U Music Party)

(SBS Star) 
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