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[SBS Star] Hwang In Youp Says He Feels Less Pressured Because He Debuted in His Late 20s

Lee Narin

입력 : 2022.05.17 18:09|수정 : 2022.05.17 18:09

Actor Hwang In Youp shared he feels less pressured, as he made debut later than a lot of other actors/actresses―in his late 20s. 

Recently, Hwang In Youp sat down for an interview with the press. 

During the interview, Hwang In Youp talked about his late debut in 2018. 

The actor said, "I made debut considerably later than most other people in the industry. But when I was in my early to mid 20s, I felt very pressured. I also kept thinking, 'This wasn't how I imagined my life to turn out.' So, I worked really hard on everything." 

He continued, "But after entering my late 20s, I suddenly felt like I've used up too much energy in my early to mid 20s. So, I learned to relax and accept some things the way they were in life." 
Hwang In YoupThen, Hwang In Youp stated that the fact that he could act as an actor makes him happy enough and feel blessed nowadays. 

Hwang In Youp said, "I don't really feel the pressure to succeed and to keep going up. I'm just grateful that I can do what I like doing as my career." 

The actor went on, "I'm acting with actors/actresses who I've only seen on television and screen when I was young. It's already awesome to be around them, but I get to act with them? I'm like, 'Wow, is this real?'" 
Hwang In YoupHe resumed, "When I was a teenager, I imagined myself in my 20s to be this incredible mature guy. But it's not like that in real life, I realized this. Not much changes, except for my appearance. My parents tell me that they still feel and think like the time when they were 27." 

Lastly, he added, "I think we only just slowly learn and realize things. That's why I'm able to put things down a bit more now." 
Hwang In Youp(Credit= 'hi_high_hiy' Instagram) 

(SBS Star) 
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