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[SBS Star] Song Joong Ki Promotes an Unknown Festival for the Disbled Only After Receiving an E-mail

Lee Narin

입력 : 2021.08.03 12:04|수정 : 2021.08.03 13:46

Actor Song Joong Ki promoted a not-very-known dance festival for the disabled without payment, only after receiving an e-mail from a volunteer. 

On August 2, one volunteer for an annual dance festival 'Korea International Accessible Dance Festival' (KIADA) shared a heartwarming story about Song Joong Ki online. 

The volunteer said, "I've been volunteering for 'KIADA' for about three years. 'KIADA' is a festival which allows disabled children and adults to express their emotions through dance." 

He/she continued, "Although it's an international festival, not many people know about it. It's not sponsored by any companies either. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was even harder to promote the festival this year." 
Song Joong KiThen, the volunteer shared that a miracle unexpectedly happened. 

The volunteer said, "Back in July, I read the news that Song Joong Ki was home quarantined. I managed to get his e-mail address, and e-mailed him asking if he could film a 30-second promotional video for 'KIADA', comfortably at home." 

He/she resumed, "In his initial reply, he asked for the information about 'KIADA'. I didn't hear from him for about a month after that though. I asked a lot of other celebrities for the promotional video, but got no replies from them too."

He/she went on, "Then just the other day, he sent us this amazing video of himself promoting our festival. We were very touched when we watched the video. We simply wanted him to say hi to the camera, but he had put in so much time and effort for it when we couldn't pay him anything."  

Lastly, the volunteer commented, "I could see why everyone keeps going on about how incredible Song Joong Ki's personality is. I still can't believe he accepted a stranger's request, and did all this for us. Thank you so much." 
Song Joong KiRegarding this story, Song Joong Ki's management agency said, "Well, Song Joong Ki wanted to be a little help to them. He told us when he was free to film, and we filmed that video then." 

The agency continued, "It's not easy to accept this sort of requests even if it's for a good cause because of our actor's busy schedule as well as contract details with production companies. It's also not fair if we do this one but don't do the other one. But the timing was just right for this particular one. We're glad we were able to help." 
Song Joong Ki(Credit= 'hi_songjoongki' Instagram, Online Community) 

(SBS Star)       
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