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[SBS Star] Kim Jong-kook to Donate His Earnings from YouTube

Lee Narin

입력 : 2021.07.21 16:28|수정 : 2021.07.21 16:28

Singer Kim Jong-kook has decided to donate his earnings from YouTube. 

On July 21, Kim Jong-kook uploaded a notice on his YouTube channel.

In the notice, Kim Jong-kook shared his plan to make donations with the earnings from YouTube this month. 

The singer said, "First of all, I would like to thank everybody for giving me much support for my fresh start as a YouTuber." 

He continued, "I feel kind of shy to say this, but I've made a decision to donate all my earnings this month from the five videos on my channel right now." 
Kim Jong-kookHe resumed, "I feel like it won't be easy for my videos to reach this many views in the future, so... I'm going to deduct a little from the earnings as a production fee, but going to donate the rest." 

He added, "All my YouTube subscribers and viewers have basically participated in this donation, so please be proud of yourselves and keep working out for your health!" 
Kim Jong-kookKim Jong-kook started his own channel on YouTube on June 17. 

It has only been a month since he began, he has 1.9 million subscribers already. 

Regarding his YouTube channel, Kim Jong-kook previously explained, "I want to show my dedication to share my workout routines, and talk about my passion for working out through here." 

(Credit= '김종국 GYM JONG KOOK' YouTube, 'kjk76' Instagram)

(SBS Star)      
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