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[SBS Star] 'The Penthouse' Secretary Cho Is Only a Year and a Half Older than Joo Seok-hoon in Real Life?

Lee Narin

입력 : 2021.03.16 18:12|수정 : 2021.03.16 18:16

Everyone is surprised after discovering actors Kim Dong-gyu and Kim Young Dae are only a year and a half apart. 

Currently, Kim Dong-gyu and Kim Young Dae feature in SBS' popular drama 'The Penthouse 2: War in Life' together. 

In the drama, Kim Dong-gyu plays the role of 'Secretary Cho', who works for Joo Dan-tae―a successful entrepreneur. 

Kim Young Dae is a high school student named 'Joo Seok-hoon', a son of Joo Dan-tae. 
Kim Young Dae and Kim Dong-gyuThey are an adult and teenager in the drama, and also look somewhat like around the age they play. 

But their real age is surprisingly less than two years different. 

Kim Dong-gyu was born in August 1994, and Kim Young Dae was born in March 1996.  
Kim Young Dae and Kim Dong-gyuUpon finding out about this, 'The Penthouse' fans shared comments such as, "What?! They are only two years apart?", "No way, I can't believe this. Clearly, one of them is faking their age!", "Kim Dong-gyu looks really mature for his age." and so on. 

(Credit= SBS The Penthouse 2: War in Life, 'kdkiioii' 'youngdae0302' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)     
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