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[SBS Star] Rookie Girl Group Leader Gets Upset as Some People Keep Leaving Mean Comments During Live

Lee Narin

입력 : 2021.03.08 18:15|수정 : 2021.03.08 18:15

NANA of K-pop girl group woo!ah! was seen looking a little upset as some people kept leaving mean comments during her recent live broadcast. 

On March 4, NANA went live on NAVER V LIVE to spend some time with fans. 
NANADuring the live broadcast, NANA happened to read out a comment that said, "You are ugly." 

When she read this comment, she seemed a bit taken aback; she commented, "I'm ugly?" 

But she responded with a sad smile, "It's okay. Thank you." 
NANASince some people continued to leave the same kind of comments though, NANA's face hardened. 

NANA made a long face and said, "Who are you guys? Why are you kept saying that I'm ugly?" 

After that, fans flooded the comment section with nice comments, which made NANA smile. 
NANAHowever, haters did not stop insulting the way she looked while the live broadcast was going on. 

As their mean behavior went on, sadness covered NANA's face, breaking fans' hearts into pieces. 
NANANANA debuted as the leader of woo!ah! in May 2020. 

(Credit= 'woo!ah!' NAVER V LIVE)

(SBS Star)     
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