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[SBS Star] Park Bo Gum's Agency Shares Details About His Upcoming Enlistment

입력 : 2020.08.25 11:06|수정 : 2020.08.25 11:06

Actor Park Bo Gum will enlist quietly later this month, and his agency asked his fans to refrain from gathering on his enlistment day.

It was previously announced that Park Bo Gum is confirmed to enlist in the military on August 31.
Park Bo GumThen on August 24, Park Bo Gum's management agency Blossom Entertainment announced that they will not reveal the exact time and place of his enlistment as all citizens are advised to keep their social distance to prevent the future spread of COVID-19.

Blossom Entertainment stated, "Due to the ongoing pandemic, it is an important time to be considerate of everyone's health and carry out social distancing. Therefore, we ask all fans to refrain from visiting Park Bo Gum's enlistment site."
Park Bo GumMilitary send-offs are usually open to public, so it is common for fans to send their favorite actors or singers off right at the location.

However, due to the rapid surge in the number of COVID-19 cases in South Korea, it seems like the actor has decided to enlist quietly without meeting his fans in person before his enlistment.
Park Bo GumMeanwhile, Park Bo Gum will serve his mandatory military service as a member of ROK Navy's military band as a keyboardist.

(Credit= SBS funE)

(SBS Star)  
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