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[SBS Star] Park Joo-ho Says Na-eun & Geon-hoo May Return on 'The Return of Superman'

Lee Narin

입력 : 2020.07.13 13:59|수정 : 2020.07.13 13:59

Professional soccer player Park Joo-ho mentioned the possibility of him and his children Na-eun (Eden) and Geon-hoo (Aciel) re-appearing in 'The Return of Superman'. 

On July 11, Park Joo-ho uploaded a Q&A video on his YouTube. 

In the video, Park Joo-ho answered some frequently asked questions by his subscribers. 

One of the questions was, "Will you and your kids ever join 'The Return of Superman' again?" 
Park Joo-hoPark Joo-ho responded, "Well, I can't give you a definite answer to this question, but I did say that I was going to return to 'The Return of Superman' with the kids at one awards ceremony in the past." 

He continued with a smile, "So, what I can say for now is that you should know that I said that. I believe I gave you a pretty satisfying answer." 

When previously featured in KBS' popular reality show 'The Return of Superman', the Park siblings received love from lots of people around the globe. 

(Credit= '캡틴 파추호Captain PaChuHo' YouTube, 'msannapark' Instagram, KBS The Return of Superman)

(SBS Star)       
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